
Brier City Council Minutes

August 28, 2001

Mayor Kaske called the regular Brier City Council Meeting to order at 7:34 PM, and the flag salute was given.

Roll Call:

Present: Councilmembers Starks, Jordan, Colinas, Magnuson, Doolittle, Moller & Warner.

Reports of Committees & City Officials:

Mayor Kaske asked if there were any reports. Councilmember Jordan reported that the Library is holding a barbecue on September 15th. Mayor Kaske reported on the notice from AWC for the October 11th legislative round tables to be held in Everett and asked Council to notify the City Clerk if they plan to attend.

Public Requests & Oral Communications: None

Consent Agenda:

Mayor Kaske opened for consideration approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Moller moved and Councilmember Doolittle seconded to approve the Consent Agenda which included to approve the Brier City Council Minutes of August 14, 2001; to set a date of September 25, 2001 for Public Hearing on Nuisance Ordinance No. 28.E; and to approve the September 2001 Newsletter. Motion carried.

Unfinished Business

Mayor Kaske opened for the continued discussion on Plat Modification No. 01-001 for Northview Glen Subdivision for J.M. Murphy, Inc. Councilmember Magnuson removed herself from discussion and left the meeting at 7:38 PM. Mayor Kaske distributed copies of the Old Poplar Way from 228th to Brier Road Plan to Council and hung plans on the cork-board, showed where the bio-swale could be located, and informed Council of the reasons why, such as the access could be off of the street rather than on private property and also that the depth of the pipeline would not have to be so deep for maintenance. Joe Murphy discussed the plans regarding the bio-swale with Council. Councilmember Colinas stated that the draft that had been worked out was a good plan. Councilmember Colinas discussed the draft Resolution No. 431.A. There was Council discussion with Dick Russell. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Warner seconded to change Section 8 of Resolution No. 431.A to include the Locust Creek Drainage Basin. Motion carried with Councilmembers Moller and Jordan opposing. There was continued Council discussion with Joe Murphy and Dick Russell regarding the slope against the sidewalk. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Moller seconded to approve Resolution No. 431.A a resolution and concomitant agreement granting approval of a plat modification to the plat of Northview Glen providing for revisions to the Preliminary Plat approval which was granted on December 31, 1997 as amended here tonight. There was discussion by Joe Murphy as to when payment of the Park

improvement would be made. Mayor Kaske stated that the City would accept the Park mitigation fee when the Park improvement is started. Councilmember Starks moved and Councilmember Moller seconded to amend Section 6 to state upon the beginning of improvements of the Park’s field. Motion carried on the amendment to the Motion. Motion carried on the original Motion.


Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Moller seconded to adjourn. Motion carried and the Brier City Council Meeting of August 28, 2001 adjourned at 8:49 PM.

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