
Brier City Council Minutes

November 27, 2001


Mayor Kaske called the regular Brier City Council Meeting to order at 7:30 PM, and the flag salute was given.

Roll Call:

Present: Councilmembers Starks, Moller, Colinas, Magnuson, Jordan, and Warner.

Absent: Councilmember Doolittle

Reports of Committees & City Officials:

Mayor Kaske asked if there were any reports. Mayor Kaske reported on the meeting with Fire District No. 1 that he and Councilmembers Colinas and Starks attended last night regarding costs, consolidation, and relocations. Councilmember Jordan arrived at 7:34 PM. Mayor Kaske reported on his search to find an arborist to look at the trees on Russet Road. Councilmember Colinas will get some names of arborists and give them to the Mayor. Councilmember Warner reported that he checked with some neighboring cities regarding a fireworks ban and discussed what they had in place. Councilmember Magnuson reported that they discussed the fireworks ban with the Brier Police Department. Councilmember Magnuson informed Council that she asked the Chief for his written opinion regarding this and that Mickie Halverson is compiling information on what the fee for the infraction should be.

Public Requests & Oral Communications:

Mayor Kaske asked if there was anyone from the public who wished to speak. John Fisken, 22424 Old Poplar Way, reported that, in the driveways on both sides of his property, water does not go into or stay in the ditch and water runs across the road. Mr. Fisken also reported that some repairs that had been done on Old Poplar Way about three to five years ago is now broken up again.

Consent Agenda:

Mayor Kaske opened for consideration of the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Moller moved and Councilmember Jordan seconded to approve the Consent Agenda, which was to approve the Brier City Council Minutes of November 13, 2001. Motion Carried.


Mayor Kaske opened the Public Hearing on the 2002 Revenue Services including consideration of Property Tax Revenues and the 2002 Proposed Final Budget. John Fisken asked if it was the same proportions and Mayor Kaske responded that it was a zero percent increase in property tax that was proposed. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Moller seconded to close the Public Hearing. Motion Carried.

New Business, Petitions, Communications, Application Appeals:

Mayor Kaske opened for the Administrative Appeal for Street Opening by Emerald Pacific Homes. Doug Everett, 21611 32nd Avenue W, stated that he owns Emerald Pacific Homes and informed Council that the only reason they need to cut the road is so that they do not hit the water main. Mr. Everett stated that Pilchuck would bring across a two inch main and pothole over the water main to provide gas service to 22012 Brier Road and that side of the street. There was Council discussion. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Magnuson seconded to grant the appeal of Emerald Pacific Homes for a right-of-way permit limiting as best as possible beginning with the 3’ by 3’ opening, abiding by any requirements of the Public Works Superintendent based on the criteria that the applicant did not have opportunity to bring gas over to his property and that this will allow residents on the west side to have an opportunity in that vicinity for gas service and it is a benefit to the community and that we are pot-holing here for verification of utility depth and location. Motion Carried.

Ordinances, Resolutions & Orders:

Mayor Kaske opened for consideration Ordinance No. 115.MM Levying Property Taxes for 2002. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Moller seconded to approve Ordinance No. 115.MM levying property taxes for 2002. Motion Carried.

Mayor Kaske opened for consideration Ordinance No. 300 adopting the 2002 Final Budget. Councilmember Moller moved to approve Ordinance No. 300 adopting the 2002 Final Budget. Motion died for lack of second. Councilmember Colinas discussed the new positions budgeted and stated that he would like the opportunity to have further discussion when the positions are to be filled. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Moller seconded to approve Ordinance No. 300 adopting the 2002 Final Budget provided that the City Council will have final review on any new employee position expenditures in the year 2002. There was Council discussion. Motion Carried. Councilmember Jordan thanked the Mayor for all of his work on the budget.

Mayor Kaske opened for consideration Ordinance No. 299.A, amending the 2001 Final Budget. Councilmember Moller moved and Councilmember Colinas seconded to approve Ordinance No. 299.A, amending the 2001 Final Budget. Motion Carried.

Mayor Kaske opened for consideration Resolution No. 463 Supporting School Funding Ballot Issue. Mr. Pat McMann and Mrs. Mimi Terwilliger were present and discussed the issue and presented information to Council regarding what various school districts were doing regarding costs. Mrs. Terwilliger stated that they are going to be putting three measures on the ballot in February and explained each of them to Council, with the net effect of the three measures being $120 per $100,000 per year. Councilmember Warner moved and Councilmember Magnuson seconded to approve Resolution No. 463 Supporting School Funding Ballot Issue. There was Council discussion. Carlton Gipson, Council-elect, spoke in opposition of the resolution due to apparent inconsistencies in that citizens voted for I-747 and the Brier Council voted to limit property taxes to zero percent increase. Mrs. Terwilliger and Mr. McMann responded. John Fisken stated that, as a citizen of Brier, he did not feel he could vote for the measures, as he could not see the benefit to Brier as compared to the other cities. Motion Carried with Councilmembers Starks, Jordan, and Moller opposing and Mayor Kaske voted aye to break the tie vote. Councilmember Colinas requested Mrs. Terwilliger to find out why the school district is not interested in impact fees and there was discussion between Mrs. Terwilliger and Council.

Mayor Kaske opened for consideration Ordinance No. 301 Emergency Moratorium on Conditional Uses for Arterial and/or Collector Streets. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Starks seconded to approve Ordinance No. 301 Emergency Moratorium on Conditional Uses for Arterial and/or Collector Streets, as amended, and set a date for a Public Hearing on January 22, 2002. There was Council discussion. Motion failed with Councilmembers Warner, Magnuson, and Moller opposing.

Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Moller seconded to adjourn. No vote was taken.

Miscellaneous Business by Call of Councilmembers & City Officials:

Mayor Kaske informed Council that Dick Russell and he had narrowed the applicants for the Public Works position down to about eight and invited two Councilmembers to sit on the panel for interviews being held on December 12th and 13th and invited Councilmembers Warner and Starks as the liaisons for this position. Mayor Kaske stated that Mayor Protem could select the two Councilmembers. Mayor Protem agreed with the selection of Councilmembers Warner and Starks.

Mayor Kaske informed Council that the cancellation of meetings on December 25th and January 1, 2002 will be discussed at the next regular meeting. Councilmembers Magnuson and Moller left the meeting at 9:33 PM. Mayor Kaske informed Council that Greg Ellis will now be working on his plat of Gregory Place which has Preliminary Plat approval. Councilmember Moller returned at 9:34 PM.

Mayor Kaske discussed the Public Defender Services Agreement by Greg Schrag with Tom Evans who stated that Mr. Schrag would be presenting a proposal.

Councilmember Starks stated the next committee meeting on the moratorium would be next Wednesday, December 5th, at 5:00 PM. There was Council discussion.


Councilmember Jordan moved to adjourn and Mayor Kaske declared the meeting adjourned at 9:44 PM.

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