
Brier City Council Minutes

February 12, 2002

Mayor Kaske called the regular Brier City Council Meeting to order at 7:31 PM, and the flag salute was given.

Roll Call:

Present:            Councilmembers Starks, Morgan, Colinas, Gipson, Jordan and Warner. Councilmember Graham arrived at 7:35 PM.

Excused:            Councilmember Doolittle.

Reports of Committees & City Officials:

Mayor Kaske asked if there were any reports. Councilmember Gipson reported that he attended his first Community Transit Meeting. Mayor Kaske reported on Miscellaneous Mail. Mayor Kaske reported that he and Councilmember Starks had spent a day attending the Legislative Conference in Olympia.

Public Requests & Oral Communications:

Mayor Kaske asked if there was anyone from the public who wished to speak. John Fisken, 22424 Old Poplar Way, distributed information to Council. Councilmember Graham arrived at the meeting. Mr. Fisken spoke regarding the street of Old Poplar Way and the lack of notice given that it would be closed until July. Mr. Fisken reported that it was just a generic notice with no specific times given. Mr. Fisken discussed the fact that curb, gutters, and sidewalks were to be installed in certain areas on Old Poplar Way and stated that he was really unhappy with what was going on there. There was Council discussion with Mr. Fisken and Mrs. Dare. Peggy Dare, 22320 Hickory Way, stated that she had previously appealed to the Council to take a look at the design for the project on Old Poplar Way and, since then, the developer has started the project and is going constantly. Mrs. Dare stated that some of her emails that she sent to Council were returned as undeliverable and so she put together a packet of all the emails and gave a packet to the City Clerk. Mrs. Dare stated she is following the project very carefully and found that there were some permits that had not been obtained. Mrs. Dare read a letter that she wrote in response to a copy of the letter that the Mayor had written and her letter had attachments, which included pages from the Department of Ecology Manual. Mrs. Dare displayed a drawing of a cross-section of the original design of the detention facility and what she stated is now the current plan. Mrs. Dare stated she was concerned with the setbacks.

Consent Agenda:

Mayor Kaske opened for consideration approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Gipson seconded to approve the Consent Agenda, which included to approve the Brier City Council Minutes of January 22, 2002; to approve Ordinance No. 164.A Establishing Appeals Procedure; and to approve attendance of Police Clerk and City Clerk to attended conferences with expenditures up to $1,200.00. Councilmember Warner pulled Ordinance No. 164.A off of the Consent Agenda. Motion Carried. Councilmember Warner stated his concerns with the provisions of the proposed Ordinance No. 164.A and discussion with the City Attorney followed. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Morgan seconded to approve Ordinance No. 164.A establishing appeals procedure. Motion Carried.


Mayor Kaske stated the Public Hearing was on Business License Application No. BR02-023 at 23400 27th Place W. for Teresa Barrett. Ms. Barrett explained the application to Council stating that she is a handcrafter of soap, which she makes at home. Mrs. Barrett stated that there would be no signs. Mayor Kaske opened the Public Hearing on Business License Application No. BR02-023. There was no public comment. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Starks seconded to close the Public Hearing. Motion Carried. There was Council discussion with Nolan West. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Jordan seconded to approve Business License Application No. BR02-023 for Teresa Barrett with the conditions that the Sodium Hydroxide (red devil) storage be a maximum of 2 cases of 12, 18 oz. containers for a total of 24, 18 oz. containers; and, three ABC fire extinguishers be readily accessible and in working condition, 1 located in the garage, 1 located in the lower level and 1 located in the kitchen; and, five working smoke detectors be located through the house, one located in the upstairs hallway, 1 located in the lower level hallway, and 1 located in each of the bedrooms; and, keep the soap batches down to 1 batch per week. Motion Carried.

New Business, Petitions, Application Appeals:

Mayor Kaske opened for consideration approval of the contract with Sam's Gun Club and authorize Mayor's signature. There was Council discussion. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Jodan seconded to approve the contract with Sam's Gun Club dated February 5, 2002 and authorize Mayor's signature. Motion Carried.

Mayor Kaske opened for consideration approval of expenditure in the amount of $15,800.00, including applicable taxes, for a Cannon 5000 Copier on State Contract funded by 001-514-23-64-01. There was Council discussion. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Gipson seconded to approve expenditure in the amount of $15,800.00, including applicable taxes, for a Cannon 5000 Copier, funded by 001-514-23-64-01. Motion Carried.

Mayor Kaske opened for consideration approval of an expenditure of $868.98 for a Seattle Times Ad for Deputy Clerk/Treasurer. There was Mayor and Council discussion. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Warner seconded to approve an expenditure of $868.98 for a Seattle Times Ad for Deputy Clerk/Treasurer. Motion Carried.

Mayor Kaske opened for consideration approval of a purchase of three M-16 Rifles for the Police Department at a cost not to exceed $1,055.10. There was Council discussion. Councilmember Starks moved and Councilmember Jordan seconded to approve the purchase of three M-16 Rifles for the Police Department at a cost not to exceed $1,055.10. There was Council discussion. Motion Carried with Councilmembers Colinas and Morgan opposing. Mayor Kaske reported that to join the Federal Procurement Program, the cost would be $351.70. Councilmember Starks moved and Councilmember Jordan seconded to approve $350.00 for membership to participate in the Federal Procurement Agreement and authorize Mayor’s signature. Motion Carried.

Miscellaneous Business:

Councilmember Colinas asked for Council consensus for the Mayor to respond to Mrs. Dare’s concerns to the setbacks, the Gabian wall, and lack of permits being obtained. There was Council discussion with no consensus. Councilmember Colinas suggested having staff give written approvals rather than verbal approvals to do work. There was Council discussion with John Fisken and Nolan West.

Mayor Protem Starks appointed Councilmembers to their Liaison Positions which were: Councilmember Colinas – Utilities and Land Use, Councilmember Warner – Planning and Land Use, Councilmember Jordan – Public Works and Parks, Councilmember Starks - Police, Councilmember Morgan – Budget, Councilmember Gipson – Budget and Councilmember Doolittle – Library.

Councilmember Gipson discussed holding a meeting with Councilmember Morgan, Bill Cushman, and Administration regarding strategic planning and Mr. Cushman’s model plan. It was decided to hold it on March 1st at 8:30 AM.

Auditing of Accounts:

Mayor Kaske opened for consideration the approval of the January 2002 Payroll Warrants. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Jordan seconded to approve the January 2002 Payroll Warrants No. 10485 through No. 10540 in the amount of $70,833.52, with Warrants No. 10483, 10484, and 10495 through 10504 being Void. Motion Carried.

Mayor Kaske opened for consideration the approval of the January 2002 Claim Warrants. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Gipson seconded to approve the January 2002 Claim Warrants No. 14719 through No. 14784 in the amount of $229,153.96. Motion Carried.


Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Jordan seconded to adjourn. Motion Carried and the Brier City Council Meeting of February 12, 2002 adjourned at 9:51 PM.

Date Submitted: February 19, 2002

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