Brier City Council Minutes

January 28, 2003
7:30 pm

Mayor Kaske called the regular Brier City Council Meeting to order at 7:32 PM and the flag salute was given.


Roll Call:

Present:            Councilmembers Starks, Jordan, Colinas, Gipson, and Warner. Councilmember Doolittle arrived at 7:38 PM.

Absent:            Councilmember Morgan


Public Requests & Oral Communications:

Mayor Kaske asked if there was anyone from the public who wished to speak. Kirby Johnson, 22016 Vine Road, expressed his concern regarding the detention pond on the Murphy Lamb Shortplat. Mr. Johnson stated that he has been damaged and would like to get the problem resolved. Mayor Kaske reported that Mr. Murphy has contacted Group IV to let them know that there is a problem and to get a solution to resolve the problem. Mayor Kaske also informed Mr. Johnson that Hammond, Collier, Wade-Livingstone has been contacted by the City regarding this problem.

Peggy Dare, 22223 Hickory Way, spoke regarding the detention pond problem and the Latecomer Agreement with Mr. Murphy that is on the agenda.

Councilmember Gipson moved and Councilmember Colinas seconded to continue the issue of the Latecomer Agreement with J. M. Murphy to the February 11, 2003 Council Meeting. There was Mayor, City Attorney and Council discussion regarding whether this was a separate issue. Motion Carried with Councilmember Jordan opposing.

Peggy Dare showed Council a Trail Map from the Park Plan of 1988 and distributed a copy to each of the Council and to the Mayor along with a compilation of studies that was done regarding cost of services for residential development. Ms. Dare suggested items such as consolidating development and not having curbs and gutter to reduce cost. Ms. Dare distributed a copy of a letter from the Department of Ecology to Steve Anderson regarding the MDNS regarding discharge of stormwater and the scale of the project and would like Brier to look into it. Ms. Dare posted an aerial shot of Brier on the corkboard.


Reports of Committees & City Officials:

Mayor Kaske asked if there were any reports. Councilmember Jordan reported the Park Board is looking forward to the Easter Egg Hunt. Mayor Kaske reported that Councilmember Starks and he have been attending the Snohomish County Tomorrow Meetings and got information on using current zoning and projected population density.

Mayor Kaske reported on Miscellaneous Mail.



Consent Agenda:

Mayor Kaske opened for consideration approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Jordan seconded to approve the Consent Agenda, which was to approve the Brier City Council Minutes of January 14, 2003; authorize Administration to mail letter to Seashore Transportation Forum stating the City declines joining; authorize purchase of Pitney Bowes 34CS Document Imprinter in the amount of $3,992 including sales tax plus shipping, plus additional date stamp plate at a cost of $439 and Endorser plate at a cost of $259 plus tax for the additional plates; authorize advertising for Deputy Clerk/Treasurer on web sites and other no-cost sites and publications. Motion Carried.


Councilmember Jordan moved and Councilmember Warner seconded to approve January 21, 2003 Council Workshop Minutes. Motion Carried.



Mayor Kaske stated the Public Hearing was for Business License Application No. BR03-003 for Jaren R. Balzer, Matrix Computer Services at 23089 23rd Ave. W. Mr. Balzer spoke regarding the application and stated that he will provide wireless 802-11B Technology Internet Service. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Jordan seconded to open the Public Hearing. Motion Carried. Mayor Kaske opened the Public Hearing on Business License Application No. BR03-003. There was no public input. Councilmember Jordan moved and Councilmember Starks seconded to close the Public Hearing on Business License Application No. BR03-003. Motion Carried. There was Council discussion regarding the antenna and any harmful effects due to radiation. Mr. Balzer stated that is maxed at five watts and is not regulated by the FCC. Mr. Balzer stated it could get up to forty-two miles. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Gipson seconded to approve Business License Application No. BR03-003 for Jaren R. Balzer, Matrix Computer Services at 23089 23rd Ave. W. There was Council discussion. Motion Carried.


Councilmember Gipson left the meeting at 8:45 PM.


Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Jordan seconded to amend the January 28, 2003 agenda to include the Public Hearing on Business License Application No. BR03-006 for Gemini BioProjects. Motion Carried.

Mayor Kaske stated the Public Hearing for Business License Application No. BR03-006 by Stephanie Seiler at 2729 233rd Street SW for Biotech Communication Consulting. Mayor Kaske opened the Public Hearing on Business License Application No. BR03-006. There was no public input. Councilmember Jordan moved and Councilmember Colinas seconded to close the Public Hearing on Business License Application No. BR-03-006. Motion Carried. There was Council discussion. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Doolittle seconded to approve Business License Application No. BR03-006 for Stephanie Seiler for Gemini BioProjects, LLC at 2729 233rd Street SW. There was Council discussion. Motion Carried.



New Business, Petitions, Communications, Application Appeals:

Mayor Protem Colinas appointed the Council Liaison positions as follows: Councilmember Gipson-Library; Councilmember Colinas-Police, Utilities, and Budget; Councilmember Doolittle- Land Use and Budget; Councilmember Jordan-Parks; Councilmember Morgan-Utilities and Budget; Councilmember Starks-Public Works and Land Use; Councilmember Warner-Planning Commission and Land Use.

Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Jordan seconded to appoint Mayor Kaske as voting delegate representative to SERS with the Police Chief as alternate; appoint the Police Chief as the voting representative to ESCA with Mayor Kaske as alternate; and appoint Mayor Kaske as voting representative to Snohomish County Tomorrow with Councilmember Starks as alternate. Motion Carried.


Mayor Kaske opened for consideration approval of the December 2002 Claim Warrants. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Doolittle seconded to approve December 2002 Claim Warrants No. 15617 through No. 15619 in the amount of $5,814.98. Motion Carried.


Miscellaneous Business by Call of Councilmembers & City Officials:

Mayor Kaske informed Council he was elected as Chair of SNOCOM this year. Councilmember Doolittle asked about the cement pad for the Library and Mayor Kaske stated that he would discuss it with Dick Russell and Rich Maag.

Mayor Kaske updated Council on the plans for the new City Hall Facility and what could be used for a possible temporary facility.



CouncilmemberJordan moved and Councilmember Doolittle seconded to adjourn. Motion Carried and the Brier City Council Meeting of January 28, 2003 adjourned at 9:31 PM.

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