Brier City Council Minutes

February 25, 2003
7:30 pm

Mayor Kaske called the regular Brier City Council Meeting to order at 7:32 PM and the flag salute was given.


Roll Call:

Present:            Councilmembers Starks, Jordan, Morgan, Gipson, Colinas, and Warner. Councilmember Doolittle arrived at 7:34 PM.


Public Requests & Oral Communications:

Mayor Kaske asked if there was anyone from the public who wished to speak. There was no public input.


Reports of Committees & city Officials:

Mayor Kaske asked if there were any reports. Councilmember Jordan gave an update on the Park Board and informed the Council that there is a Public Safety Certification Class coming up and that there had also been discussion regarding Brierfest. Councilmember Jordan asked for volunteers to help with the Easter Egg Hunt and Councilmember Doolittle volunteered. Councilmember Colinas reported that the Police Department had received a $958 grant for a new radar-gun.


Consent Agenda:

Mayor Kaske opened for consideration approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Gipson moved and Councilmember Starks seconded to approve the Consent Agenda, which included approval of the Brier City Council Minutes of February 11, 2003 and approval of the Brier City Council Workshop Minutes of February 18, 2003. Motion Carried with Councilmembers Colinas and Doolittle abstaining.



Mayor Kaske stated the Public Hearing was on Business License Application No. BR03-007 for Brent Klippenstein at 3350 227th Street SW. Brent Klippenstein explained that the application is for the administration part of a commercial tire sales and service business. Mayor Kaske opened the Public Hearing on Business License No. BR03-007. Mayor Kaske read a letter from Stephen and Maureen Cline who wrote in favor of the application. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Jordan seconded to close the Public Hearing on Business License Application No. BR03-007. Motion Carried. There was Council discussion. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Jordan seconded to approve Business License Application No. BR03-007 for Brent Klippenstein at 3350 227th Street SW. Motion Carried.


Mayor Kaske stated the next Public Hearing was on Short Plat No. SP02-02 by Theresa L. Crafton at 22906 27th Ave. W. Theresa Crafton explained her application. Mayor

Kaske opened the Public Hearing on Short Plat Application No. SP02-02. There was no public input. Councilmember Jordan moved and Councilmember Starks seconded to close the Public Hearing on Short Plat Application No. SP02-02. Motion Carried. There was Council discussion. Nolan West, Community Development Permit Specialist, stated that they are moving right along. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Doolittle seconded to amend Item BB of Resolution No. 468 to state “The applicant shall provide $2,000 as a contribution to park mitigation.” Motion Carried. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Doolittle seconded to approve Short Plat #SP02-02 for Theresa Crafton at 22906 27th Avenue W. and approve Resolution No. 468 and authorize Mayor’s signature. Motion Carried.


Miscellaneous Business by Call of Councilmembers & City Officials:

There was discussion between some people in the audience, the Council, and Nolan West regarding nuisance inspection.



Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Doolittle seconded to adjourn. Motion Carried and the Brier City Council Meeting of February 25, 2003 adjourned at 8:31 PM.

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