Brier City Council Minutes

November 4, 2003

Mayor Starks called the regular Brier City Council Meeting to order at 7:30 PM and the flag salute was given.


Roll Call:

Present:            Councilmembers Colinas, Gipson, Jordan, Warner, Doolittle, and McClenny. Councilmember Morgan arrived at 7:35 PM.


Approval of Minutes:

Mayor Starks opened for consideration approval of the Brier City Council Minutes of October 14, 2003 and October 28, 2003. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Jordan seconded to approve the Brier City Council Minutes of October 14, 2003 and October 28, 2003. Motion Carried with Councilmember Warner abstaining.


Unfinished Business:

Mayor Starks opened for discussion the replacement/repair of the park picnic shelter, and awarding the bid to Aldrich Construction Inc. to be paid out of Fund #105. Nolan West distributed information to Council and stated that several posts in the picnic shelter have severe rot caused by fungus and spoke regarding what would be adequate to hold the structure up, treat the rot and monitor it. There was Council discussion. Nolan West stated that the slab could possibly have ½ inch rises in it. There was Council discussion regarding safety. Mayor Starks stated that the Administration’s recommendation is to resolve the problem and be done with it as the funds are available and are not an issue. There was Council discussion regarding seeking a bid from EarthCorps. Councilmember Jordan moved and Councilmember McClenny seconded to award the bid to Aldrich Construction Inc. to replace and repair the park picnic shelter be paid out of Fund #105 for $11,900 plus tax. Roll Call Vote: Councilmember Warner-No; Councilmember Doolittle-No; Councilmember Gipson-Yes; Councilmember Colinas-No Councilmember Morgan-No; Councilmember Jordan-Yes; Councilmember McClenny-Yes. Motion Failed. There was Council discussion regarding having EarthCorps look at the project and give the City a bid to replace the posts and do the concrete work needed to repair the shelter. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Doolittle seconded to have the Administration re-scope the project for concrete floors, have wood support posts for the shelter, and get public bids. There was Council discussion. Motion Carried with Councilmember Morgan opposing.



Mayor Starks opened discussion of Business License BR03-089 for Floyd Bangerter with Advance Construction Co. D.B.A. Advance Electric at 22921 32nd. Ave. W. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Jordan seconded to open the Public Hearing for Business License BR03-089 for Advance Construction Co. Motion Carried and Mayor Starks opened the Public Hearing. Mr. Bangerter explained that his business was a mailing address only and has been there for ten years. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Jordan seconded to close the Public Hearing. Motion Carried. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Warner seconded to approve the Business License BR03-089 for Floyd Bangerter with Advance Construction D.B.A. Advance Electric at 22921 32nd Ave. W based on staff recommendation. Motion Carried.


Councilmember Jordan moved and Councilmember Colinas seconded to open the Public Hearing on the 2004 Proposed Revenues and 2004 Final Budget. Motion Carried. There was no public input. Councilmember Gipson moved and Councilmember Colinas seconded to close the public hearing. Motion Carried.


Councilmember Jordan moved and Councilmember Colinas seconded to open the Public Hearing on the 2004 Property Tax Levy. Pamela Lupo, 23023 38th Court W., Brier, asked if the Council can pass the levy or if it goes to the public for a vote and there was Council response to Ms. Lupo. Councilmember Gipson moved and Councilmember Jordan seconded to close the Public Hearing. Motion Carried.


Ordinances, Resolutions & Orders:

Mayor Starks opened for consideration of approval of Ordinance No. 115.OO levying the 2004 Property Tax. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Warner seconded to approve Ordinance No. 115.OO levying the 2004 Property Tax. There was Council discussion. Motion Carried with Councilmember Gipson and Councilmember McClenny opposing.



Councilmember Jordan moved and Councilmember McClenny seconded to adjourn to workshop and the meeting adjourned to workshop at 8:50 PM.

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