Brier City Council Minutes

January 25, 2005

Mayor Starks called the regular Brier City Council Meeting to order at 7:34 PM and the flag salute was given.


Roll Call:

Present:            Councilmembers Colinas, McClenny, Kaemingk, Gipson, Corpron-Smith, Doolittle, and Morgan.


Executive Session

Mayor Starks adjourned to Executive Session at 7:35 PM to discuss personnel matters for approximately 30 minutes. The Council returned from Executive Session at 7:57 PM.


Public Requests & Oral Communications:

Ed Walker 21206 Poplar Way, handed out pictures of the City Hall project taken last week, copies of the Planning Commission Agenda and the ordinance information handed out at last weeks meeting. He claims that the Planning Commission continued the issue regarding stormwater and that they will not take public comment at the next meeting based on the Mayor's recommendation. Mr. Walker handed out an RCW regarding the Growth Management Act the fact that the City has not taken input from the public on the changes that the consultant Cynthia Pruitt is working on in the Comprehensive Plan update.


Teri Kaemingk 21740 34th Pl. W, asked when is the appropriate time to make comment on the Brier Glen III issue.


Reports of Committees & City Officials:

Councilmember Doolittle attended the Planning Commission meeting and there had been comment regarding the first 3-6 minutes of tapes missing from copies. City Engineer Jorge Garcia addressed the commission regarding a new quicker way to do short plat applications.


Councilmember Corpron-Smith wanted to remind everyone that next week Dean Franz will be showing them a power point presentation on alternative stormwater options.


Mr. Kaske reported on SERS and that Phase II part of the project is having some difficulties and will not come in under budget like Phase I did. SERS is looking to do an Interlocal Agreement update this year. Fire District 1 may be considered to become a voting board member of SERS. He commented on SnoCom’s possible change in growth due to the new 800mhz system. There is an issue that the City of Lynnwood had raised regarding the Interlocal Agreement and the Council has approved the changes that were made several months ago but the issues have not died they are still being worked out.



Approval of Minutes:

Mayor Starks opened for consideration approval of the Brier City Council Minutes of January 18, 2005. Councilmember Gipson moved and Councilmember Doolittle seconded to approve the Brier City Council Minutes of January 18, 2005. Motion Carried. Councilmember McClenny abstained.


New Business, Petitions, Communications, Applications & Appeals:

Mayor Starks opened for consideration the authorization of the Mayor’s signature on the Interlocal Jail Agreement with the City of Sunnyside. There was council discussion. Councilmember Gipson moved and Councilmember Doolittle seconded to authorize the Mayor’s signature on the Interlocal Jail Agreement with the City of Sunnyside with the typographical corrections made on pages 2-4. Motion Carried.


Ordinances, Resolutions & Orders:

Mayor Starks opened for consideration of approval of Resolution #476 and Variance #V01-005, by MIR Enterprises for Preliminary Plat Approval for Subdivision Brier Glen III #SUB01-01. The applicant was present and Mr. Milosavljevic spoke to the council regarding some corrections that need to be made to the resolution, in particular item W to address drains for sheet flow. There are issues with the information regarding the hydraulics permits and the letter from the Army Corp of Engineers that have not been changed but MIR provided this information to Albert Williams. Item Z they had a question regarding the 24” for the gutter. Item DD asks for a 100 year storm detention system and that the application and the old DOE manual states a 50 year storm detention system. Item MM in their original application there was not a provision for parks and they feel the $6,000 should be paid. The City Council allowed the public to comment on the Brier Glenn III issue. The following people commented: Fred Price 3408 214th St. SW, Teri Kaemingk 21740 34th Pl. W, Al Ross 3309 214th St. SW, Christine Price 3408 214th Pl, Ed Walker 21206 Poplar Way, Mr. Kaske 24024 Brier Way. There was Council discussion. Councilmember Corpron-Smith moved and Councilmember Doolittle seconded to continue this issue to the February 8, 2005 meeting. The motion was rescinded and Councilmember Corpron-Smith moved and Councilmember Doolittle seconded to continue this issue to the February 22, 2005 meeting. There was Council discussion. Motion Carried.


Miscellaneous Business by Call of Councilmembers & City Officials

Mayor Starks opened for consideration the appointments to SERS, SNOCOM, ESCA and Snohomish County Tomorrow. Councilmember Morgan moved and Councilmember Gipson seconded to appoint Mayor Starks as the SERS representative and Chief Don Lane as the alternate. There was a Roll Call Vote, Colinas No, McClenny yes, Corpron-Smith yes, Morgan yes, Kaemingk yes, Gipson yes, Doolittle yes. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Doolittle seconded to appoint Chief Don Lane as the SNOCOM representative and Mayor Starks as the alternate. There was a Roll Call Vote, Colinas yes, McClenny no, Corpron-Smith yes, Morgan no, Kaemingk yes, Gipson no, Doolittle yes. Councilmember Morgan moved and Councilmember Gipson seconded to appoint Mayor Starks as the ESCA representative and Chief Don Lane as the alternate. There was a Roll Call Vote, Colinas yes, McClenny yes, Corpron-Smith yes, Morgan yes, Kaemingk yes, Gipson yes, Doolittle yes. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Corpron-Smith seconded to appoint Gary Morgan as the Snohomish County Tomorrow representative and Bob Colinas as the alternate. There was a Roll Call Vote, Colinas yes, McClenny yes, Corpron-Smith yes, Morgan yes, Kaemingk yes, Gipson yes, Doolittle yes. Motion Carried.


Mayor Starks opened for discussion setting a date within the next two weeks for the Joint Comprehensive Plan Meeting with the Planning Commission.


Councilmember Colinas asked what is the procedure now to deal with the Jahed Short Plat that had been moved to today’s date and was not listed on the agenda. Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Doolittle seconded to continue the Jahed Short Plat to the February 8, 2005 meeting. Motion Carried.


Councilmember Gipson asked about the artist that we were interested in and what the status of the issue was. Mayor Starks stated that the artist called him yesterday and has chosen another site. Councilmember Corpron-Smith stated that Dee Williamson is looking into a local Brier resident to do some artwork for the City.


Councilmember McClenny asked about the property that some citizens had raised concerns about.



Councilmember Colinas moved and Councilmember Doolittle seconded to adjourn. Mayor Starks declared the meeting adjourned at 10:45 PM.

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