City of Brier, Washington


Brier City Council Minutes


February 20, 2007


Mayor Colinas called the regular Brier City Council Meeting to order at 7:30 PM and the flag salute was given.


Roll Call:

Present:            Councilmembers Nick, Kaemingk, Gipson, Corpron-Smith, and Gem. Councilmembers Krienke arrived at 7:53 PM.

Absent:             Councilmember Morgan.


Public Requests & Oral Communications:

Peggy Dare 22320 Hickory Way, she has been a long time supporter of Brier’s green spaces and character and she just wanted to let the council know that she appreciates their time and effort to keep the green space in Brier.


Ed Walker 21206 Poplar Way, the Fire District will be valuing his property based on his short plat with modifications.


Reports of Committees & City Officials:

Councilmember Gipson attended a CT executive committee meeting today.

Mayor Colinas attend the AWC legislative conference and spent time with legislators to ask for additional funds for sidewalks to and from our schools.

Councilmember Corpron-Smith attended the Park Board meeting on the 14th of February. The Park Board would like to see the berms left in Brierwood Park and they voted unanimously to use the funds for irrigation there instead.


Approval of Minutes:

Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of the Brier City Council Minutes of February 13, 2007. Councilmember Gipson moved and Councilmember Gem seconded to approve the Brier City Council Minutes of February 13, 2007. Councilmember Corpron-Smith would like her full name used in the minutes. Motion Carried.


Unfinished Business:

Mayor Colinas continued consideration of Subdivision Application SUB05-001 by Lindsey E. McClenny. Director Jim Cutts gave a briefing on questions that the council had previously asked. Ed McClenny 3609 214th St SW, the representative for the McClenny plat spoke regarding the offer they proposed to the City that was included in packets this week. Jason Henry consulting City Engineer stated that there must be a road going back over the vault so that the City can maintain it and the vactor truck can have access.  There was council discussion.


Council consensus was to add language to the resolution and accept the park mitigation proposal, giving some direction for future discussion to a passive use for the area on the vault and dedication of the wetlands for potential use as a trail.


Council consensus was to accept the McClenny’s proposal to move the existing house on Lot 9 and then accept lot mitigation.


The council consensus was to accept the most recent copy of the tree mitigation plan as submitted.


Mayor Colinas asked that they have an executive session for 30 minutes to consult with legal counsel on the issue of traffic mitigation. Ed Walker pointed out that Hearing Examiner John Galt had ruled that the City has no legal standing to charge a traffic mitigation fee. The council adjourned to executive session at 9:10 PM. The council returned at 9:39 PM.


We will change the traffic mitigation language in item FF of Resolution #487 to read… Mitigation of traffic related impacts to the extent that improvements are required on site. Council consensus was to accept this change.


The McClenny’s have an issue with the costs related to the sewer connection fees as outlined in HH. Jason Henry stated that 16.16.035 reads that if the City requires the developer to extend the sewer the City would participate in the costs to extend the sewer outside of the plat. There was council consensus to allow language to discuss off setting sewer connection fees for the additional sewer extension costs.


Councilmember Corpron-Smith is concerned that there is no language for wetland mitigation that would restore the wetlands after the sewer line construction. Ed McClenny stated that they were required to submit a plan in order to get approval from Dept. of Fish and Wildlife.


Councilmember Krienke moved and Councilmember Corpron-Smith seconded to continue the discussion on the McClenny Subdivision to a date certain of February 27, 2007. Motion Carried.



Councilmember Corpron-Smith moved and Councilmember Gem seconded to adjourn. Mayor Colinas declared the meeting adjourned at 10:00 PM.


February 20, 2007

PRESENT: Mayor Colinas, Councilmembers, Corpron-Smith, Nick, Krienke, Gem, Kaemingk, Gipson. ABSENT: Councilmember Morgan.



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(425) 775-5440 | Fax (425) 672-9025 |
