City of Brier, Washington


May 27, 2008

Mayor Colinas called the regular Brier City Council Meeting to order at 7:31 PM and the flag salute was given.


Roll Call:

Present:            Councilmembers Krienke, Nick, Kaemingk, Gipson, Corpron-Smith, Gem, and Steele.


Public Requests & Oral Communications:

Dave Johnson 2711 234th St. SW, he has a fence in his backyard that he does not know whether it belongs to the City or him, but he replaced fence post this last weekend and found a large amount of concrete from an old sidewalk that had been dumped there 13 years ago by a developer. He complained at the time it happened and the City did not address it at the time.


Reports of Committees & City Officials:

Councilman Kaemingk attended the Planning Commission meeting on May 21st.

Councilwoman Steele attended the Library Board meeting on May 14th.

Councilwoman Corpron-Smith attended the May 14th Parks Board meeting.

Councilman Krienke will be attending the Police meeting on Wednesday May 27th.

Councilman Gipson attended CT meetings on May 15th and 27th.

Councilwoman Gem will be attending the Police meeting on Wednesday May 27th.

Mayor Colinas handed out the 1st quarter revenue and expenditure reports to the Council.


Approval of Minutes:

Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of the Brier City Council Workshop Minutes of May 20, 2008. Councilmember Gipson moved and Councilmember Krienke seconded to approve the Brier City Council Workshop Minutes of May 20, 2008. Motion Carried.


Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of the Brier City Council Minutes of May 13, 2008. Councilmember Gipson moved and Councilmember Gem seconded to approve the Brier City Council Minutes of May 13, 2008. Motion Carried.



Consent Agenda:

Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of the Consent Agenda which includes approval of the Snohomish County Interlocal Agreement for Furnishing Equipment Maintenance/Repair Services, approval for the Release of the Critchlow Homes Sprinkler System Bonds for lots 2 & 3, and approval of the Bid for Debris Removal by Cajun Excavating in an amount not to exceed $8,000.00. Councilmember Kaemingk moved and Councilmember Nick seconded to approve the Consent Agenda which includes approval of the Snohomish County Interlocal Agreement for Furnishing Equipment Maintenance/Repair Services, approval for the Release of the Critchlow Homes Sprinkler System Bonds for lots 2 & 3, and approval of the Bid for Debris Removal by Cajun Excavating in an amount not to exceed $8,000.00. Motion Carried.


Miscellaneous Business by Call of Councilmembers & City Officials

Mayor Colinas asked how emailing the agenda worked for the Council this week. They would like copies of at least the agenda here in the future in case they do not remember to bring them.


Councilmember Corpron-Smith moved to approve the expenditure of $1,050 for the Park Board for SeaScare supplies, and she recommends that it be expended from the Friends of Park Fund. Councilmember Corpron-Smith rescinded the motion as the expenditure is within the Mayor’s authorization.


Councilmember Steele mentioned that the Mayor had a community service worker at the library pulling the weeds and it looks very nice.





Councilmember Corpron-Smith moved and Councilmember Steele seconded to adjourn. Mayor Colinas declared the meeting adjourned at  8:09PM.

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Brier City Hall | 2901 228th St. SW | Brier, Washington 98036
(425) 775-5440 | Fax (425) 672-9025 |
