City of Brier, Washington


June 9, 2009

Mayor Colinas called the regular Brier City Council Meeting to order at 7:31:23 PM  and the Mayor dispensed with the flag salute.


Roll Call:                 

PRESENT:          Mayor Colinas; Councilmember Corpron-Smith, Gem, Gipson, Kaemingk, Krienke, Nick and Steele.

STAFF:          Chief Lane


Public Requests & Oral Communications: None


Reports of Committees & City Officials:

Councilmember Gipson attended the Community Transit Directors Board meeting on June 4th.

Councilmember Steele attended the ESCA board meeting on May 28th. She also attended a Hydrogen Car Presentation at the UW Bothell campus on June 2nd.

Councilmember Nick attended the South Snohomish Cities meeting at Brier City Hall on June 4th. He also reviewed the warrants on June 6th.

Councilmember Kaemingk attended the South Snohomish Cities meeting at Brier City Hall on June 4th. He also mentioned a legislative dinner to attend on September 24th. The Council will need to select a topic to be addressed by the legislative body in Olympia and the Snohomish County Council.

Mayor Colinas attended the South Snohomish Cities meeting at Brier City Hall on June 4th.


Approval of Minutes:

Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of the Brier City Council Minutes of May 26, 2009. Councilmember Steele made a MOTION to approve the Brier City Council Minutes of May 26, 2009. Councilmember Gem SECONDED. Motion Carried.


New Business, Petitions, Communications, Applications & Appeals:

Mayor Colinas opened the presentation by Bellevue Community College Class regarding School Zone Traffic Lights.  Chief Lane introduced the students from the College.  The presentation was a review of their school project, which was to write a proposal to apply for a grant from Washington Traffic Safety Commission to install School Zone Traffic Lights for Brier Elementary. There was a question and answer session.


Mayor Colinas called for a 5 minute recess at 8:16:50 PM.

Meeting was reconvened at 8:22:40 PM.





Miscellaneous Business by Call of Councilmembers & City Officials:

Mayor Colinas asked the council for their thoughts regarding a request from Brian Gantz, to hold a food drive with DJ’s to spin music at the skate park. The feedback from the Council was positive. Mayor Colinas will ask Brian Gantz for a proposal of this event.


Mayor Colinas informed the Council that the City of Kenmore will now be speaking at the Sunbrook appeal hearing, which presents a conflict of interest for our City attorney. Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval for authorization to sign a special city attorney agreement as it relates to Sunbrook with Weed, Graafstra and Benson, Inc., P.S.  Councilmember Gipson made a MOTION to authorize Mayor Colinas to sign a special City attorney agreement as it relates to Sunbrook with Weed, Graafstra and Benson , Inc., P.S., pending the city attorneys review.  Councilmember Corpron-Smith SECONDED. Motion carried.


Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of making available $27,306.60 from the general fund for ordering of the equipment and future labor for installation of the Brier Elementary, “Flashing Beacon Lights” safety project.  Councilmember Krienke made a MOTION to approve making available from the general fund the amount of $27,306.60 for ordering of the equipment and future labor for installation of the Brier Elementary, “Flashing Beacon Lights” safety project. These funds should not be assigned until the formal letter of grant awarded by the Washington Traffic Safety Commission has been received. Councilmember Nick SECONDED. Motion carried.


Mayor Colinas asked if Councilmember Steele would attend the Snocom Board meeting on June 18th should he not be able to attend.

Councilmember Steele commented on how well Public Works is doing at keeping the skate park clean, she asked about putting an ashtray there. Mayor Colinas agreed and will have an ashtray installed. She stated that the Ordinance regarding Park fees has not been updated on the website and would also like to see more information about other City parks. Mayor Colinas asked for specific ideas on updating the website.


Auditing of Accounts

Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of the May 2009 Payroll Warrants. Councilmember Nick made a MOTION to approve the May 2009 Payroll Warrants No. 15508 through No. 15562 in the amount of $116,936.30. Councilmember Kaemingk SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of the May 2009 Claim Warrants.  Councilmember Nick made a MOTION to approve the May 2009 Claim Warrants No. 20537 through No. 20592 in the amount of $166,461.69. Councilmember Gipson SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of the May 2009 Checks. Councilmember Nick made a MOTION to approve the May 2009 checks no. 9712 through no. 9718 in the amount of $56,808.67. Councilmember Steele SECONDED. There was Council discussion. Motion Carried.




Councilmember Krienke made a MOTION to adjourn. Councilmember Steele SECONDED. Mayor Colinas declared the meeting adjourned at 8:48:25 PM.

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Brier City Hall | 2901 228th St. SW | Brier, Washington 98036
(425) 775-5440 | Fax (425) 672-9025 |
