City of Brier, Washington


February 28, 2012

Mayor Colinas called the regular Brier City Council Meeting to order at 7:00:07 PM and the flag salute was given.


Roll Call:

PRESENT: Mayor Colinas; Councilmember Steele, Gallagher, Olson, Nick and Joplin. Councilmember Krienke arrived at 7:01:09 PM.

ABSENT: Councilmember Kaemingk.

STAFF: Clerk-Treasurer Swisher; City Planner Gaudette.


Public Requests & Oral Communications: None.


Reports of Committees & City Officials:

Councilmember Krienke attended the RFA Finance meeting on February 15th.

Councilmember Steele attended the Town meeting on Saturday February 18th.

Councilmember Gallagher attended the SCC dinner on February 23rd.


Approval of Minutes:

Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of the Brier City Council Minutes of February 14, 2012. Councilmember Gallagher made a MOTION to approve the Brier City Council Minutes of February 14, 2012. Councilmember Joplin SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of the Brier City Council Workshop Minutes of February 21, 2012. Councilmember Steele made a MOTION to approve Brier City Council Workshop Minutes of February 21, 2012. Councilmember Nick SECONDED. Motion Carried.



Mayor Colinas opened the initial discussion for the Business License #BR12-009 for Clean Air Recovery located at 2081 214th St SW Brier, by William Livingston. City Planner Nicole Gaudette gave a brief overview of the application and recommended approval. The applicant gave a description of his business and how the product is used. Mayor Colinas opened the Public Hearing at 7:09:03 PM. Elaine Olsen, Brier is a neighbor and has no objection to this business. Mayor Colinas closed the Public Hearing at 7:10:03 PM. Councilmember Steele made a MOTION to approve Business License # BR12-009 for Clean Air Recovery located at 2081 214th St SW Brier, by William Livingston. Councilmember Olson SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Mayor Colinas opened the initial discussion for Ordinance No. 390 amending Chapter 17.12, Home Occupations. City Planner Nicole Gaudette gave a brief description of the changes made to Chapter 17.12. Mayor Colinas opened the Public Hearing at 7:15:21 PM. Mayor Colinas closed the Public Hearing at 7:16:02 PM.


Mayor Colinas opened the initial discussion for Ordinance No. 392 adding Chapter 17.40, Personal Wireless Communication Facilities. City Planner Nicole Gaudette gave a brief overview of the new chapter. Mayor Colinas opened the Public Hearing at 7:19:16 PM. Elaine Olsen 2065 214th St SW asked if there is a limit to how many towers can be erected and who can erect the towers. Mayor Colinas closed the Public Hearing at 7:20:22 PM. City Planner Nicole Gaudette addressed Mrs. Olsen’s questions.


Mayor Colinas opened the initial discussion for Ordinance No. 399 adding Chapter 8.32, Outdoor Lighting. City Planner Nicole Gaudette gave a brief overview of the new chapter. Mayor Colinas opened the Public Hearing at 7:27:04 PM. Mayor Colinas closed the Public Hearing at 7:27:45 PM.


Mayor Colinas opened the initial discussion for Ordinance No. 400 adding Chapter 17.48, Parking. City Planner Nicole Gaudette gave a brief overview of the new chapter. Mayor Colinas opened the Public Hearing at 7:29:46 PM. Bill Livingston, Brier 2081 214th st SW asked if this will include RVs and is crushed rock acceptable material for parking. Mayor Colinas closed the Public Hearing at 7:31:58 PM. City Planner Nicole Gaudette addressed Mr. Livingston’s questions.


New Business, Petitions, Communications, Applications & Appeals:

Mayor Colinas opened for consideration of CUP 11-003 Herzig Secondary Dwelling Unit and Planning Commission recommendation for approval. City Planner Nicole Gaudette gave an overview of the project. Councilmember Gallagher made a MOTION to approve CUP 11-003 Herzig Secondary Dwelling Unit as conditioned. Councilmember Steele SECONDED. There was Council discussion. Motion Carried.


Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval and authorization for the Mayor to sign the Laborers, Local 1239 Agreement for March 1, 2012 through February, 28, 2015. Councilmember Krienke made a MOTION to approve and authorize the Mayor to sign the Laborers, Local 1239 Agreement for March 1, 2012 through February, 28, 2015. Councilmember Nick SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Ordinances, Resolutions & Orders:

Mayor Colinas opened for discussion and adoption of Ordinance No. 390 amending Chapter 17.12, Home Occupations. Councilmember Nick made a MOTION to approve Ordinance No. 390 amending Chapter 17.12, Home Occupations. Councilmember Olson SECONDED. Councilmember Krienke made a MOTION to Amend the motion to include changes to 17.12.060(B)(2) changing the word one to two deliveries per week. Councilmember Gallagher SECONDED. Motion to Amend Carried. The main Motion Carried.


Mayor Colinas opened for discussion and adoption of Ordinance No. 392 adding Chapter 17.40, Personal Wireless Communication Facilities. Councilmember Steele made a MOTION to approve Ordinance No. 392 adding Chapter 17.40, Personal Wireless Communication Facilities. Councilmember Krienke SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Mayor Colinas opened for discussion and adoption of Ordinance No. 399 adding Chapter 8.32, Outdoor Lighting. Councilmember Krienke made a MOTION to approve Ordinance No. 399 adding Chapter 8.32, Outdoor Lighting. Councilmember Olson SECONDED. There was Council discussion. Motion Carried.


Mayor Colinas opened for discussion and adoption of Ordinance No. 400 adding Chapter 17.48, Parking. Councilmember Nick made a MOTION to approve Ordinance No. 400 adding Chapter 17.48, Parking Councilmember Olson SECONDED. There was Council discussion. Motion Carried.


Mayor Colinas opened for consideration of Resolution No. 533 declaring certain property as surplus and authorizing disposition. Councilmember Gallagher made a MOTION to approve Resolution No. 533 declaring certain property as surplus and authorizing disposition. Councilmember Steele SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Miscellaneous Business by Call of Councilmembers & City Officials:

Councilmember Steele will be absent next week.

Councilmember Gallagher will be absent the next two weeks.

Councilmember Joplin will be attending a class for the changes to annual financial reporting this Friday, as will Clerk-Treasurer Swisher.


Mayor Colinas asked for Council input on the draft document sent to them from attorney Carol Morris. Mayor Colinas called for a 5 minute recess at 8:12:03 PM Mayor Colinas brought the meeting back to order at 8:20:46 PM.


Mayor Colinas shared with Council that the Department of Ecology has extended the Stormwater Capacity Grant through June 2013 and given us an additional $50,000 to address the regulations imposed upon us to meet the NPDES requirements.


Executive Session

No Executive Session was held.



Mayor Colinas declared the meeting adjourned at 8:27:19 PM .

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Brier City Hall | 2901 228th St. SW | Brier, Washington 98036
(425) 775-5440 | Fax (425) 672-9025 |