City of Brier, Washington


August 27, 2013

Mayor Colinas called the regular Brier City Council Meeting to order at 7:00:37 PM and the flag salute was given.


Roll Call:                 

PRESENT:                                  Mayor Colinas; Councilmember Kaemingk, Krienke, Steele, Gallagher, Nick and Joplin.

ABSENT:                                    Councilmember Olson.

STAFF:                                       Clerk-Treasurer Swisher.


Public Requests & Oral Communications:

Al Ross, Brier WA – shared photos with the Council from the Trillium Development across the street from him. They showed that they used a leaf blower to try to clean dirt off the roadway and the dirt cloud that it creates. He asked that they be made to manage the dust and dirt.


Reports of Committees & City Officials:

Mayor Colinas reported that he received an email showing what the Snohomish Futures Conservation Board will recommend to the Snohomish County Council to authorize and it lists our project as being funded for $713,000.


Mayor Colinas made a grant request to the Transportation Improvement Board for sidewalk improvements down 228th St. SW. for $823,000.


Councilmember Steele attended an ESCA budget meeting on August 22nd.


Councilmember Joplin attended a Snohomish Health District entrance conference for their audit on August 21st.


Approval of Minutes:

Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of the Brier City Council Minutes of August 20, 2013. Councilmember Nick made a MOTION to approve the Brier City Council Minutes of August 20, 2013. Councilmember Steele SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of the Brier City Council Workshop Minutes of August 20, 2013. Councilmember Gallagher made a MOTION to approve Brier City Council Workshop Minutes of August 20, 2013. Councilmember Joplin SECONDED. Motion Carried.




Mayor Colinas opened the Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 411, granting Astound a non-exclusive telecommunications franchise agreement at 7:13:30 PM. Mayor Colinas closed the Public Hearing at 7:14:15 PM.


Ordinances, Resolutions & Orders:

Mayor Colinas opened for consideration Ordinance No. 411, granting Wave/Astound a non-exclusive telecommunications franchise agreement. Councilmember Steele made a MOTION to approve Ordinance No. 411, granting Wave/Astound a non-exclusive telecommunications franchise agreement. Councilmember Kaemingk SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Miscellaneous Business by Call of Councilmembers & City Officials:

Mayor Colinas passed out a memo and bids for asphalt repairs on 24th Avenue. Councilmember Gallagher made a MOTION to authorize the Mayor’s signature and approve the expenditure of up to $9,300 for repairs on 24th Avenue. Councilmember Nick SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Councilmember Gallagher made a MOTION to cancel the September 3rd Workshop meeting. Councilmember Krienke SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Clerk-Treasurer Swisher passed around the invitation from the Snohomish County Tourism Bureau to their September 5th event at the Everett Holiday Inn.


Councilmember Krienke mentioned that the Parks Board was possibly going to bring back additional proposals at next week’s workshop meeting. He had some concerns about the quality of the equipment and would like to see additional information when they present ideas again. Councilmember Nick was asked to contact the Parks Board Chair and inform him the meeting was cancelled for next week and give the additional directions regarding the quality of materials to be used.



Councilmember Steele made a MOTION to adjourn. Councilmember Nick SECONDED. Motion Carried. Mayor Colinas declared the meeting adjourned at 7:40:24 PM.

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Brier City Hall | 2901 228th St. SW | Brier, Washington 98036
(425) 775-5440 | Fax (425) 672-9025 |