City of Brier, Washington


January 12, 2016

Mayor Colinas called the regular Brier City Council Meeting to order at 7:01:24 PM.


Roll Call:                 

PRESENT:                                  Mayor Colinas; Councilmember Gallagher, Joplin, Kaemingk, Krienke, Nick, Olson and Steele.

STAFF:                                       City Clerk-Treasurer Swisher.


Public Requests & Oral Communications: None.


Reports of Committees & City Officials:

Mayor Colinas reported that he has been working with the librarian discussing issues regarding painting the inside and outside of the building as well as sign modification.


Councilmember Joplin reported that he attended the Snohomish Health District Board meeting today.


Councilmember Gallagher has a Library Board meeting tomorrow evening.


Councilmember Steele came in over the weekend to review the December claim checks.


Approval of Minutes:

Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of the Brier City Council Minutes of December 22, 2015. Councilmember Nick made a MOTION to approve the Brier City Council Minutes of December 22, 2015. Councilmember Steele SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of the Brier City Council Workshop Minutes of January 5, 2016. Councilmember Steele made a MOTION to approve the Brier City Council Workshop Minutes of January 5, 2016. Councilmember Gallagher SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Consent Agenda:

Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval to adopt the License Agreement with Snohomish County DEM for use of the Radio Room and EOC. Councilmember Gallagher made a MOTION to approve the License Agreement with Snohomish County DEM for use of the Radio Room and EOC. Councilmember Joplin SECONDED. Motion Carried.


New Business, Petitions, Communications, Application Appeals:

Mayor Colinas opened for consideration the appointment of a Community Transit Representative from the Council. Councilmember Steele made a MOTION to approve John Joplin as Community Transit Representative from the Council. Councilmember Olson SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of Mayor Pro-Tem appointment for 2016. Councilmember Kaemingk made a MOTION to appoint Martin Krienke as Mayor Pro-Tem appointment for 2016. Councilmember Joplin SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Ordinances, Resolutions & Orders

Mayor Colinas opened consideration of Ordinance No. 430, relating to Stormwater Regulations. Councilmember Nick made a MOTION to approve Ordinance No. 430, relating to Stormwater Regulations. Councilmember Steele SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Miscellaneous Business by Call of Councilmembers & City Officials

Mayor Colinas opened for discussion selection of the representatives to the SnoCom Board. Councilmember Gallagher made a MOTION to appoint Mayor Colinas as the representative and Chief Catlett as the alternate to the SnoCom Board. Councilmember Olson SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Mayor Colinas opened for discussion selection of the representatives to the SERS Board. Councilmember Steele made a MOTION to appoint Mayor Colinas as the representative and Chief Catlett as the alternate to the SERS Board. Councilmember Nick SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Mayor Colinas opened for discussion support of the appointment to the Snohomish Health District Board of Mark Bond from Mill Creek. Councilmember Joplin made a MOTION to support the appointment of Mark Bond from Mill Creek to the Snohomish Health District Board. Councilmember Gallagher SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Mayor Colinas stated that he does not have anything to bring forward to next week’s workshop meeting. Councilmember Kaemingk made a MOTION to cancel the Brier City Council Workshop meeting of January 19, 2016. Councilmember Olson SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Councilmember Steele commented that she and her neighbors are concerned about the issue with the asphalt at the end of Vine Road.


Councilmember Joplin asked if we are participating in the Snohomish County DEM hazardous mitigation planning.


Auditing of Accounts:

Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of the December 2015 Payroll Checks. Councilmember Steele made a MOTION to approve the December 2015 Payroll Checks No. 29547 through No. 29563 and No. 29570 through No. 29602 in the amount of $145,653.01. Councilmember Nick SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of the December 2015 Claim Checks.  Councilmember Steele made a MOTION to approve the December 2015 Claim Checks No. 29564 through No. 29569 and 29621 through 29684 in the amount of $161,241.66 and void Checks No. 29041, 29438, 29633, 29682 and 29683. Councilmember Gallagher SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of the January 2016 Claim Checks.  Councilmember Steele made a MOTION to approve the January 2016 Claim Checks No. 29685 through No. 29696 in the amount of $366,552.74. Councilmember Kaemingk SECONDED. Motion Carried.



Mayor Colinas declared the meeting adjourned at 7:26:58 PM.

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Brier City Hall | 2901 228th St. SW | Brier, Washington 98036
(425) 775-5440 | Fax (425) 672-9025 |