August 28, 2018
Mayor Colinas called the regular Brier City Council
Meeting to order at 7:00 PM and the flag salute was given.
Roll Call:
Present: Mayor
Colinas, Councilmembers Gallagher, Joplin, Kaemingk, Krienke, Nick, Steele and
Staff: Clerk-Treasurer
Swisher and Planner Flathman.
Requests & Oral Communications:
Julie O'Donald, Brier,
shared with the Council that she wrote an article about butterflies and
pollinators years ago and was recently asked if it could be used in a national
publication on Butterfly Gardening. She recently wrote about the Brier-Terrace
pollinator garden for a magazine. She also reported about a volunteer group
that has been applying the medallions on the storm drains.
Reports of
Committees & City Officials:
Councilmember Steele reviewed checks on August 25th.
Councilmember Gallagher attending the Planning Commission
meeting on August 15th.
of Minutes:
Mayor Colinas
opened for consideration approval of the Brier City Council Minutes of August
14, 2018. 7:12 PM Motion: Approve the Brier City Council Minutes of August 14,
2018. Moved
by Councilmember Nick, Seconded by
Councilmember Gallagher. Motion Carried.
Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval to
authorize the Mayor's signature on the Latecomer's Agreement for the 25th
Ave Sewer Extension. Planner Flathman gave a brief report on the status of the
agreement, adding Mr. Hepplemeir's property to the
agreement. 7:14 PM Motion: Authorize
the Mayor's signature on the Latecomer's Agreement for the 25th Ave
Sewer Extension. Moved by
Councilmember Steele, Seconded by
Councilmember Kaemingk. Motion carried.
Business, Petitions, Communications, Application Appeals:
Mayor Colinas opened for consideration of CUP
18-01, Blyth Septic Repair located at 2426 236th St SW. Planner
Flathman gave a brief overview of the request and the Planning Commission's
recommendation to approve the application. 7:28 PM Motion: Approve CUP 18-01, Blyth Septic Repair located at 2426 236th
St SW. Moved by Councilmember
Gallagher, Seconded by Councilmember
Joplin. Motion Carried.
Mayor Colinas opened for consideration of
additional Sewer Accounts to begin notice of foreclosure process. 7:30 PM Motion: Authorize Clerk-Treasurer
Swisher to send out the notices of intent to foreclose to the accounts listed
on the sheet dated August 28, 2018. Moved
by Councilmember Krienke, Seconded
by Councilmember Kaemingk. Motion Carried.
Business by Call of Councilmembers & City Officials: None.
of Accounts:
Mayor Colinas opened for consideration approval of the August 2018 Claim
Checks.  7:33 PM Motion:
Approve the August 2018 Claim Checks No. 33380, Checks No. 33384 through
No. 33413 in the amount of $69,610.84. Moved by Councilmember Steele, Seconded by Councilmember Thorpe. Motion
Mayor Colinas
declared the meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM.
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