December 10, 2024
Mayor Kaemingk called the regular Brier City
Council Meeting to order at 7:00 PM and the flag salute was given.
Roll Call:
Present: Mayor Kaemingk, Councilmembers Allen, Gallagher,
Krienke, Marley, Othman, and Rosman.
Absent: Councilmember Lockhart.
Staff: City Planner Michaelis,
Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Snowden.
Requests & Oral Communications:
Harmony Crawford, Brier - As the Chair for the
Parks Board she wanted to let the Council know that the
Christmas Tree lighting event was a great hit and also
wanted to say a huge Thank You to the Public Works Department for all their
hard work.
Reports of
Committees & City Officials:
Mayor Kaemingk met with the Snohomish County
Councilmember Gallagher sat in the Radio room, attended
the Community Transit meeting and reviewed the claims checks.
Councilmember Rosman worked with the Parks Board in
preparation of the tree lighting event on December 5th
and 7th.
of Minutes:
Mayor Kaemingk opened for consideration to approve the Brier City
Council Minutes of November 26, 2024. Motion: Approve the Brier City Council
Minutes of November 26, 2024. Moved by Councilmember Gallagher, Seconded by Councilmember Rosman. Motion Carried.
Mayor Kaemingk opened for consideration to approve the Brier City
Council Workshop Minutes of December 3, 2024. Motion:
Approve the Brier City Council Workshop Minutes of December 3, 2024. Moved by Councilmember
Allen, Seconded by Councilmember
Marley. Motion Carried.
Mayor Kaemingk opened for
consideration to approve the agreement with the Snohomish Conservation
District. Motion Carried. Motion: Approve the agreement with the
Snohomish Conservation District. Moved by Councilmember Rosman, Seconded
by Councilmember Allen. Motion Carried.
Mayor Kaemingk opened for consideration to release the Performance
Assurance Bond for the Tree Mitigation for Vine 13, LLC, located at 2588 Vine
Road. City Planner Michaelis gave a brief overview. Motion:
Approve the release of the Performance Assurance Bond for the Tree Mitigation
for Vine 13, LLC, located at 2588 Vine Road. Moved by Councilmember Marley, Seconded
by Councilmember Rosman. Motion Carried.
Business by Call of Councilmembers & City Officials:
Mayor Kaemingk opened for consideration to cancel
the regular council meeting on December 24, 2024. Motion: Approve to cancel the regular council meeting on December
24, 2024. Moved by Councilmember
Rosman, Seconded by Councilmember
Allen. Motion Carried.
Mayor Kaemingk opened for consideration to approve the November 2024
Payroll Checks. Motion: Approve the November
2024 Payroll Checks No. 46215 through No. 46218 and EFT transactions in the
amount of $185,606.17. Moved
by Councilmember Gallagher, Seconded
by Councilmember Marley. Motion Carried.
Mayor Kaemingk opened for
consideration to approve of the November 2024 Claim Checks. Motion:
Approve the November 2024 Claim Checks No. 46219 through No. 46221,
Check No. 46223 through No. 46249 in the amount of $173,717.37. Voided Check
No. 45841, Reason: Duplicate payment. Voided Check No. 45977, Reason: Lost in
the mail, Reissued with Check No. 46222. Moved by Councilmember
Gallagher, Seconded by Councilmember
Rosman. Motion Carried.
Mayor Kaemingk declared the meeting adjourned at 7:13 PM.
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