City of Brier, Washington


JULY 25, 2001


Chairman Protem Friesen called the Brier Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:30 PM.


Present: Commissioners Friesen, Neilson, Funk, Brock, and Hodgens.

Absent: Commissioner Lavoie.


Chairman Protem Friesen opened for consideration approval of the June 27, 2001, Planning Commission minutes. Commissioner Brock moved, and Commissioner Neilson seconded, to approve the June 27, 2001 minutes. Motion Carried.






Commissioner Hodgen talked about ideas he would like the Planning Commissioners to consider for changes to the Zoning Code,

Commissioner Brock moved, and Commissioner Hodgen seconded to switch the New Business items on the Agenda and deal with Conditional Use CU01-003 first. Motion Carried.



Chairman Protem Friesen opened for consideration Conditional Use Application #CU01-003 Application, by Victor Smith at 23501 29th Avenue W, Brier. Mr. Smith explained that he would like to replace his old mobile home with a new one and the Brier Code requires a Conditional Use Application.

Chairman Protem Friesen opened the Public Hearing at 7:41 PM.

*Victor Smith stated he was in support of his application.

*A letter of support from Lloyd Petersen was received.

*Peggy Dare – 22030 Hickory Way, stated she supported the application.

Chairman Protem Friesen closed the Public Hearing at 7:42 PM.

Commissioner Brock moved, and Commissioner Funk seconded, to recommend approval of Conditional Use Application #CU01-003 by Victor Smith at 23501 29th Avenue W, to the Brier City Council. Motion Carried.



Chairman Protem Friesen opened for consideration Variance Application #V01-004 and Conditional Use Application #CU01-002 by Ananda Church of Self Realization of Seattle, at 22006 Vine Road.

Mr. J. T. Heater - 14618 Tyler Foote Road, Nevada City, California, architect for Ananda Church, explained the Conditional Use and Variance proposals. Mr. Heater explained that the site would be developed in three phases. The first phase proposes an 1800 square foot church that would seat 120 people maximum, and 40 car spaces. The second phase would consist of offices and Sunday school buildings. The third phase would add a fellowship hall and 20 car spaces.. The phases are planned over a ten year span. Mr. Heater explained the plan calls for four detention ponds. Mr. Heater explained the two Variance applications are for the steep slope setback reduction, (25’ buffer from 40% slope required), and maximum building height increase (30’ maximum building height).

There was discussion.

*Alexandra McGilloway – 20715 Larch Way, a member of the church, explained that the main activity would be Sunday service and some evening study groups where 10 or 15 people would attend, and the offices would have about 4 people.

*Terry McGilloway – 20715 Larch Way, Pastor, explained that the book store is a small area for members of the church, and open only when church functions are happening.

Chairman Protem Friesen opened the Public Hearing at 8:10 PM.

*Amber Irwin- 21816 Vine Road, asked what the plan was for sewer, and what it means for the neighbors.

*Dick Russell explained the proposed route of the sewer, under Vine Road, north to the Boseck property, then up to 217th. Mr. Russell explained the cost of the sewer extension.

*Gabe Cavazos – 21810 Vine Road, stated he would like to keep Brier as it is and not allow businesses into Brier.

*Leona Starks – 22012 Vine Road, stated she has concerns regarding the traffic study and increased traffic, that Vine Road is not an appropriate place to have a church, and is firmly against the proposal.

*Dick Russell explained the basis of traffic studies.

*Michelle McKenzie - 2509 217th Pl. SW, stated she is concerned with the growth of the membership and how they plan to keep a handle on the growth, traffic impacts, and parking.

*Alexandra McGilloway – Larch Way, explained that the church in Seattle has about 75 members and is not a large church. She stated their anticipation is that if they do grow they would build another church to serve another neighborhood.

*Jodie Westergard - 21906 Vine Road, stated her concerns regarding traffic safety for egress and ingress to the church property.

*Anne Cavazos – 21810 Vine Road, stated her concerns were traffic, parking on Vine Road, the financial impact, erosion, and construction spread over a ten year period. Ms. Cavazos stated she does not want the church in her neighborhood.

J T Heeter, Ananda Representative explained about the trees that will stay on the property.

*Katie Smith - 21700 Vine Road, stated her concerns regarding the water runoff, traffic, and stated she is not in favor of the application.

*Bea Sanders – Landscape Architect for Ananda, explained the landscaping proposal for the church.

*Erick Thompson - 22005 Vine Road, talked about detention facilities and the impacts they will have.

*Mark Zimmermann - 22069 Vine Road, stated that the architecture of the church is out of place for this neighborhood, and his concern for traffic.

*Sue Englert - 22011 Vine Road, stated her concern for the traffic and safety issues.

*Miriam Crebow - 24230 Brier Road, stated that any church should be considered and that the City Council should consider if this is appropriate for the whole community not just the surrounding neighborhood.

*Sarah Schultz - 21810 Vine Road, stated her concerns for the environmental impact to the creek and wetlands, traffic, and that she is not in favor of the proposal.

*Samantha Schultz – 21810 Vine Road, stated her concerns for erosion, traffic, and construction traffic.

*Daniel Westergard - 21906 Vine Road, stated his concern for the environmental impact and displaced animals.

*J. T. Heeter – Ananda architect stated that part of the landscape plan is to add trees into the wetland areas.

*Kim Smith – 21700 Vine Road, asked if there will be dirt removal and how will the trucks be legally allowed on Vine Road.

*Tom Thompson – 2410 217th Place SW, stated he is concerned about the traffic and is not in favor of the proposal.

*Kent Walter - 2290 219th Pl. SW, asked about the safety surrounding the detention ponds, and wanted to know if they will be fenced.

*Chuck Nichols – 2507 217TH Pl. SW, stated his concern about the traffic and safety on Vine Road.

There was discussion on detention ponds.

*Sherry Talbot - 2413 217th Pl, stated that she thought the detention ponds sound like a danger.

*Kent Walter - 2290 219th Pl SW, talked about the risk of an unfenced detention pond.

*Kirby Johnson - 22016 Vine Road, stated that control of erosion and water quality are important concerns and pointed out that when church services are over, 40 cars would be on the road within minutes of each other, and this would cause a problem.

*Peggy Dare - 22320 Hickory Way, stated she was in favor of this proposal.

Chairman Protem Friesen called for a five minute recess at 9:29 PM.

The Planning Commission meeting reconvened at 9:34 PM.

*Erick Thompson - 22005 Vine Road, stated that he is not in favor of the proposed Conditional Use application.

*Daniel Westergard – 21906 Vine Road, asked if the book store would be considered as a Business.

*Erick Thompson – 22005 Vine Road, asked if all of the buildings involved, fall under the definition of a conventional church and wanted to know if they have gone through the SEPA review process. He stated that he would like the church to look like a conventional house.

*Sue Englert - 22011 Vine Road, asked if the church would be charging for the yoga and meditation classes and if they would tend to be more of a commercialized, publicized event, or if it is strictly for the members of the church.

*Kim Smith – 21700 Vine Road, asked if there was any way to oppose the granting of a permit for heavy equipment travel on Vine Road.

*Leona Starks - 22012 Vine Road, asked how much noise would be generated from a church with 120 members and this is a concern of hers.

Commissioner Hodgen moved, and Commissioner Brock seconded, to continue the Public Hearing on Variance Application #V01-004 and Conditional Use Application #CU01-002 by Ananda Church of Self Realization of Seattle at 22006 Vine Road. Motion Carried.

Commissioner Hodgen moved, and Commissioner Funk seconded to continue the Planning Commission meeting to August 15, 2001, 7:30 PM.

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