
April 24, 2002


Chairman Lavoie called the Brier Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:34 PM.



Present:      Commissioners George Neilson, Michael Lavoie, Eugene Funk, Sue Wahlgren, Brandon Brock, Commissioner Hodgen arrived at 7:37 PM.

Absent:      Commissioner Corey Friesen.



Chairman Lavoie opened for consideration approval of the March 27, 2002 Planning Commission minutes. Commissioner Neilson moved and Commissioner Lavoie seconded to move the approval of the March 27, 2002 minutes until there is a quorum of members in attendance at tonight’s meeting. Motion Carried.

Commissioner Hodgen arrived at 7:37PM.

Chairman Lavoie re-opened for consideration approval of the March 27, 2002 Planning Commission minutes.

Commissioner Neilson moved, and Commissioner Funk seconded, to approve the March 27, 2002 Planning Commission minutes as written. Commissioners Lavoie, Brock and Wahlgren abstained as they were not at the March Planning Commission meeting. Motion Carried.



Commissioner Lavoie opened for continuation of the consideration of changes to Title 17. There was Planning Commission discussion regarding the handout received from Nolan West on Code changes relative to temporary tent, awning, and canopy structures.


Commissioner Neilson stated that Nolan West gave a hand out to the Commissioners last meeting containing correspondence and pictures to consider whether storage containers, tent structures, or tarps should be subject to permitting. After discussion the permitting subject of tent structures was tabled. There was some discussion about flag poles. The Planning Commission discussed secondary dwellings, building heights, lot sizes, urban growth areas, sign ordinance, day care hours for allowing children outside, Title 17 changes. The Planning Commission requested that Dick Russell attend the May 22, 2002 Planning Commission meeting. Discussion on Title 17 was continued. Commissioner Hodgen and Commissioner Neilson stated they would work on the wording of their changes for the next meeting.

Commissioner Neilson moved, Commissioner Hodgen seconded to eliminate 17.12.40 P and to move it back to the Sign Ordinance. Motion Carried.

Commissioner Lavoie moved, Commissioner Wahlgren seconded, to move Day Care hours for allowing children outside to 9:00 AM or later, 17.12.40 M. Motion carried.



Commissioner Neilson moved and Commissioner Hodgen seconded to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 PM.

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