City of Brier, Washington


December 18, 2002

Chairman Lavoie called the Brier Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:32 PM.



Present:      Commissioners Jim Hodgen, Corey Friesen, Eugene Funk, Mike Lavoie and Sue Wahlgren. Commissioner Brandon Brock arrived at 7:42 PM.

Absent:       Commissioner Allyn Chrisman.



Chairman Lavoie opened for approval of the October 16, 2002 Planning Commission Minutes.  Commissioner Wahlgren moved, and Commissioner Funk seconded, to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of October 16, 2002 as written. Motion Carried.




PUBLIC REQUESTS AND ORAL COMMUNICATIONS:  Peggy Dare - 22320 Hickory Way spoke on Brightwater, and an article from Sound Waves by the Puget Sound Action team on water quality.







Chairman Lavoie opened for consideration of Variance Application #V02-007 by Mike Reid at 3131 238th St. SW.  Mr. Reid explained that he represents Joe Marusak, the owner of the property.  Mr. Reid stated that the owner intends to put an addition on the front of their house and the addition would encroach into the setback. The Planning Commissioners asked questions. Commissioner Wahlgren stated she knows the applicant and asked if there were any objections. There were none.

Commissioner Brock arrived at 7:42 PM.

Chairman Lavoie opened the Public Hearing for Variance Application #V02-007 by Mike Reid at 3131 238th ST. SW at 7:42 PM.

Joe Marusak, applicant - 3131 238th St SW – Mr. Marusak explained that his home is one of the oldest in Brier with 1534 S.F. house, where he would like to at 160 S.F.  He stated the majority of the structure was built with 2 x 4 walls and the possibility of extending it upwards would be expensive and this Variance would give him an in-expensive route to expand his house.

There were no other comments. Chairman Lavoie closed the Public Hearing at 7:44 PM.

There was discussion.

Commissioner Hodgen moved, and Commissioner Brock seconded, to recommend approval of Variance Application #V02-007 by Mike Reid at 3131 238th ST. SW to Brier City Council, with the addition of a plot plat with the proposed new addition of the house to be forwarded to the City Council.  Motion Carried.



Chairman Lavoie opened for consideration of Variance Application #V02-008 by Marshall Fleming at 22522 Hickory Way. Mr. Fleming explained that he would like to build a 1700 SF house and is requesting a Variance to install a Sewage Pump.  The Planning Commissioners asked questions. It was clarified that lot one will be required to be on the sewer system, it is currently on septic. Mr. Marshall stated he did not know that he would be required to hook lot one to the sewer system.

Chairman Lavoie opened the Public Hearing at 8:04 PM.

Marshall Fleming – 22522 Hickory Way – asked about the size of the sewer line that would be needed.

Peggy Dare – 22320 Hickory Way – stated she was in support of septic systems and was also in support of Mr. Fleming’s Variance application.

Mr. Russell stated that the Subdivision Ordinance does not allow septic systems.

Chairman Lavoie recessed the Public Hearing until the January Planning Commission meeting.

There was discussion.

Commissioner Brock moved, and Commissioner Friesen seconded, to continue Variance Application #V02-008 and the Public Hearing until the applicant comes forward with a revised Variance by a letter to city staff and to include topographical maps that includes more information. Motion Carried.



Chairman Lavoie opened for consideration Short Plat Application #SP02-02 by Theresa Crafton at 22906 27th Avenue W. Theresa Crafton explained her short plat application. The Planning Commission asked questions.

Chairman Lavoie opened the Public Hearing for Short Plat Application #SP02-02 by Theresa Crafton at 22906 27th Avenue W, at 8:27 PM.

Peggy Dare – 22320 Hickory Way stated she would like to see a map of the short plat, before she commented. Ms. Dare stated that she hope that the short plat will support the trail on undeveloped 28th.  She also stated that planter strips and trees should be considered.

There were no other comments.

Chairman Lavoie closed the Public Hearing at 8:32 PM.


Commissioner Hodgen moved and Commissioner Wahlgren seconded to recommend to the Brier City Council approval of Short Plat #02-02 by Theresa Crafton at 22906 27th Avenue W with the conditions to incorporate the recommendations from all correspondence from City Staff, in particular the two letters dated November 26, 2002 and December 16, 2002, from Hammond Collier, Wade, that it is for an updated version of the plan dated September 6, 2002, a copy of the Variance previously approved for the front of the property be sent to the City Council, that Park mitigation discussion be focused on improvement of a trail directly behind the property that is on the City easement. Motion Carried.


The Planning Commission broke for 4 minutes at 8:42 PM.

Chairman Lavoie brought the meeting back to order at 8:46 PM



Chairman Lavoie opened for consideration of Variance #V02-009 and Conditional Use #CU02-004 by Carol Tallman at 3700 227th ST SW. Ms. Tallman explained her Variance and Conditional Use application. There was discussion.

Chairman Lavoie opened the Public Hearing at 8:58 PM.

Neil Williamson - 3625 227th St. SW – asked questions for clarification and also asked if any trees were going to be removed. Mr. Williamson read a letter into the record.

Debra Williamson – 3625 227th St. SW – stated her concern with the possibility of car lights in her family room, which is downstairs.

Ballard McFarlane – 3605 227th St. SW – asked a few questions.

Dennis Hotaling – 3628 227th ST. SW – stated his family had owned the property for 50 years and had sold it to Ms. Tallman. Mr. Hotaling stated he had sold to Ms. Tallman because her plan would fit more appropriately with low impact than anyone else. He stated he approved of the request.

Ms. Gardener – 3607 227th St. SW – stated she is happy with the proposal.

There was discussion.

Chairman Lavoie closed the Public Hearing at 9:10 PM

Commissioner Hodgen moved and, Commissioner Brock seconded to recommend approval of Variance #V02-009 to the Brier City Council with the conditions that the development be perpetually restricted to the existing plat drawing (Figure 1 – Shannon & Wilson), and that the area be delineated as the buffer averaging area in the SW corner and be maintained as a pre-condition of maintaining the Variance. Motion Carried.


Commissioner Brock moved and, Commissioner Wahlgren seconded to recommend approval of Conditional Use Application #CU02-004 to the Brier City Council to be submitted with a more detailed plot plan, and house design. Motion Carried.



Chairman Lavoie opened for consideration discussion of suggested changes to Title 17.

The Planning Commission and Nolan West held discussion on tent structures, metal canopies, and the regulation of such.

Commissioner Hodgen moved, and Commissioner Brock seconded to recommend approval to Brier City Council that the accessory dwelling ordinance be amended to include the language for Canopy structures of any material (which includes plastic, cloth, metal, etc.). 1) Be secured to foundation per manufacture or engineer; 2) One (1) per lot; No hazardous materials stored in it; and be under 200 sq. ft, or temporary (14days) subject to provision 1 – 3. Motion carried with  Commissioner Lavoie voting no.


Commissioner Wahlgren left the Planning Commission meeting at 9:53 PM




Commissioner Hodgen moved and Commissioner Brock seconded to adjourn.  The meeting adjourned at 9:55 PM

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