City of Brier, Washington

JANUARY 19, 2005
7:00 PM


Commissioner Marley called the Brier Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:05 PM.



Present: Commissioners Dave Marley, Robert Nelson, Gene Funk, Allyn Chrisman, and Scott Warner.

Absent: Michael Lavoie and Sue Wahlgren.




Commissioner Marley moved and Commissioner Chrisman seconded to approve the minutes of December 1, 2004 as corrected, to include that Commissioner Lavoie abstained from the motion on SP03-002. Motion Carried as corrected. Commissioner's Warner and Nelson abstained.



Ed Walker - 21206 Poplar Way – explained to the Planning Commission BMC 2.36.030 - regarding the continuation of a Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Walker addressed submitting items to the Planning Commission and how it has been handled in the past. He also stated that the Planning Commission could state that they would review the item handed out but at the next meeting, etc. Mr. Walker went on to explain the plat maps he handed out at a Planning Commission meeting.

Mr. Walker reported the tapes of the October and December 2004 Planning Commission meetings were missing the very beginning of the meeting. The first part of the meetings are left off of the tape. He advised the Planning Commission that when they approve the minutes to be sure that they are accurate.

Peggy Dare - 22320 Hickory Way commented that she agrees with Mr. Walkers comments. Ms. Dare commented that there is a regional detention pond in her neighborhood and that it has never been built right nor has it ever performed right.

Jorge Garcia responded and stated that they have contacted the developer and that the pond is being studied now to determine what the deficiencies are and why it does not function correctly.

Ed Walker - 21206 Poplar Way - asked if the pond was brought up to 2001 DOE standards would there be enough capacity to it?

There was discussion.



Sasha Doolittle reported that the new City Hall is running a little behind schedule due to change orders. She gave some suggestions to the concerns and problems that were mentioned by Mr. Walker.


Mayor Starks welcomed the new Commissioners Mr. Nelson and Mr. Warner. He reported that the City is in the process of updating the Comprehensive Plan and there will be meetings scheduled in the future which the Planning Commission will be asked to participate in.



Chairman Protem Marley opened the Public Hearing meeting for public comment at 7:43 PM.

Peggy Dare 22320 Hickory Way – asked for an introduction explaining the proposed Ordinance what it is about, who proposed it and why and who is responsible for it being before the Planning Commission for a hearing tonight.

Mayor Starks explained that this was an issue brought before the City Council and during that discussion the Council requested that the City Engineer look at the issue. He explained that this has been before the City with regards to single lot development.

Jorge Garcia explained that some of the issues that need to be addressed as a whole is to clarify the code and keep it consistent with the current regulations.

Ed Walker 21206 Poplar Way - stated that BMC 16.20.020 needs to be changed if BMC 16.16.150 is changed. Mr. Walker commented on the draft proposal which were the following:

#42. Biofiltration shall be required for plats of five or more lots that are not served by a wet pond. The size of the biofiltration should be proportional to the size of the subdivision. Mr. Walker stated that that makes sense and he does not know why that is in there. He stated based on the recommendation of the City Engineer it should not be based on the 2001 manual. He suggested that the whole thing should be taken out.

#5 All drainage plans and calculations including Low Impact Development alternatives shall be reviewed and approved or disapproved by the City Engineer. Mr. Walker suggested that the City Engineer should be recommend approval or disapproval to the City Council but the City Engineer should not give approval or disapproval.

Mr. Walker asked the Planning Commission to continue this Public Hearing to the February meeting.

Commissioner Warner commented on the suggestion by Mr. Walker regarding the "approval or disapproval by the City Engineer" should be changed to "the City Engineer should recommend approval or disapproval to the City Council". Commissioner Warner stated that Council and Planning Commission are not experts in those areas and that the City Engineer is the one who needs to make the decision of whether the plans and calculations are correct.

There was discussion.

Peggy Dare 22320 Hickory Way – Ms. Dare started with her comments of her thoughts on the Drainage Code and gave a handout of her version of the Drainage Code. Ms. Dare handed to the Planning Commission her notes on the current Brier Comprehensive Plan beginning with the Land Use Element, she reviewed her notes and gave comments. Ms. Dare handed out notes from the DOE Manual regarding Low Impact Development 1.61 "The Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan", "Chapter 2 - Minimum Requirements for New Development and Redevelopment", "1.7.5 The Role of Land Use and Lifestyles", "2.5.5 Minimum Requirement #5: On-site Stormwater Management", "3.2 Detention Facilities", "Figure 4.1 Treatment Facility Selection Flow Chart", "Chapter 5 - On-Site Stormwater Management", "5.3.2 Site Design BMPs", "Figures 4.4, 4.5 and 4.10".

Ed Walker 21206 Poplar Way - stated that title 17 needs to be changed as well, in order to keep consistency.

Peggy Dare - 22320 Hickory Way continued with her suggestions to the Draft Ordinance.

There were no other Public comments.

Chairman Protem Marley closed the Public Hearing at 8:56 PM.




Chairman Protem Marley opened for consideration the electing of a Chairman and Chairman Protem to the Planning Commission for the year 2005.

Commissioner Marley nominated and Commissioner Funk seconded that nomination of Michael Lavoie for Chairman. There were no other nominations for Chairman. Commissioner Nelson moved to close the nomination process for Chairman, motion was seconded. Motion Carried. Michael Lavoie was nominated Chairman of the Planning Commission for 2005.

Chairman Protem Marley opened for consideration the electing of a Chairman Protem to the Planning Commission for the year 2005.

Commissioner Funk nominated Dave Marley. Commissioner Marley nominated Scott Warner. Commissioner Warner declined the nomination. Commissioner Warner nominated Sue Wahlgren. There being no other nominations Commissioner Funk moved and Commissioner Chrisman seconded to close the nomination process for Chairman Protem. Motion Carried. Roll Call was taken for electing Chairman Protem.

Commissioner Nelson - abstained, Commissioner Chrisman - Wahlgren, Commissioner Marley - Wahlgren, Commissioner Warner - Wahlgren, Commissioner Funk - Wahlgren. Commissioner Sue Wahlgren was elected as Chair Protem. Motion Carried.


Commissioner Warner asked when the Planning Commission would consider this Draft Ordinance they had the Public Hearing on. He suggested that the Commission have a chance to review the handouts. The Mayor stated that it is at the Planning Commissions discretion. Jorge Garcia told the Planning Commissioners if they have any questions that they are welcome to call him.

Commissioner Warner gave his suggestions for changes or additions he spoke about Semi-permeable asphalt, where he suggested that permeable concrete also be added, being consistent when referring to the DOE stormwater Manual, Item 5 on the third page "when the total combined impervious surface of the existing proposed improvements ......" the wording is confusing and needs to be changed to "when the total combined impervious surface of existing and proposed improvements is less than 5,000 square feet then the applicant.....". Commissioner Warner spoke of other concerns and gave his suggestions, with a handout, for the Draft Ordinance.



Commissioner Nelson moved and Commissioner Funk seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.

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