City of Brier, Washington


JANUARY 18, 2006
7:00 PM

Chairman Lavoie called the Brier Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:02 PM.



Present: Commissioners Gene Funk, David Marley, Keith Maw, Scott Warner, Michael Lavoie, Sue Wahlgren. Commissioner Chrisman arrived at 7:09 PM.



Chairman Lavoie opened for consideration approval of the Planning Commission minutes.

Commissioner Wahlgren moved and Commissioner Marley seconded to postpone the approval of the October 12, 2005, and November 16, 2005 Planning Commission minutes to the February Planning Commission meeting. Motion Carried.


Chairman Lavoie opened for consideration approval of the December 21, 2005 Planning Commission minutes.

Commissioner Chrisman arrived at 7:09 PM.

Commissioner Marley moved and Commissioner Funk seconded to approve the December 21, 2005 Planning Commission minutes as corrected. Motion Carried with Commissioner Lavoie, Wahlgren and Chrisman abstaining as they were not in attendance at the December 21, 2005 Planning Commission meeting.



Mayor Colinas was in attendance and spoke to his concerns regarding the time frame of the update on the Comprehensive Plan. He informed the Planning Commission that he has initiated discussions with R. W. Thorpe and will bring him in to answer some of the Planning Commissions questions regarding the Land Use and Housing Elements. Mayor Colinas asked if the Planning Commission could pass on to the City Council portions of the Comprehensive Plan with their recommendations that they have completed rather than wait until the whole Plan is completed. Mayor Colinas reported that he had contacted Dave Anderson, CTED and asked him what are the ramifications of not filing Brier’s plan within the time frame. Mr. Anderson sent a letter stating that if the City does not have an updated Comprehensive Plan we will lose 1 point when we apply for IAC funding. This year the City of Brier has no plans to apply for IAC funding. It also states that we will be unable to apply for any Public Works dollars until our plan is updated. This year the City of Brier has no plans to apply for any Public Works dollars. The State encourages the City to do the Comprehensive Plan right.





John Fisken 22402 Poplar Way asked the Planning Commission to spend some time on planning the lay out of roads for developments. He brought a sketch of Old Poplar Way showing how he thought roads should be connected. Mr. Fisken drew a walking path as a suggestion to what the City might propose for future development. The sketch was left with the Planning Commission. Mr. Maw suggested that if there were proposed future roads that are implied in previous Ordinances it seems that they ought to be part of the Comprehensive Plan. There was discussion.




Chairman Lavoie opened for continued discussion of revisions on Draft Comprehensive Plan

Commissioner Maw explained that there were some issues on whether the inventory for the Parks were right. He said that there was a statement that how certain kinds of Parks met a particular definition and then there are some that do not meet the definition. There was not a definite analysis in the plan also.

The Planning Commission determined that they will come up with comments, concerns and suggestions for the Draft Comprehensive Plan.

Mayor Colinas asked the Commissioners to forward their notes of concerns by e-mail so that he may work on them to get them resolved.

Paul Sweum also asked the Commissioners to e-mail him and in turn he will send them to Mr. Robert Thorpe for consideration.

There was discussion regarding as to what portions of the Draft Comprehensive Plan the Planning Commission can send to the City Council; software; and the risk of going beyond the extension on critical areas ordinance.

The Planning Commission and Paul Sweum read through the Park element in the Draft Comprehensive Plan and listed their suggested changes.

The Planning Commission reviewed the memo from Paul Sweum regarding updated Planning Commission Modifications related to a new Policy under sewer. They discussed Transportation Policy. They discussed e-mailing their ideas for the Draft Comprehensive Plan to Paul Sweum by January 27, 2006.


Commissioner Marley moved and Commissioner Funk seconded to continue the discussion on the Draft Comprehensive Plan to the February 15, 2006 meeting. Motion Carried.



Chairman Lavoie stated he will not be at the February Planning Commission meeting. Dave Marley stated he will not be at the February Planning Commission meeting.

The Planning Commission decided they will meet the first Thursday of every month beginning March 2, 2006 to work on the Draft Comprehensive Plan.





Commissioner Wahlgren moved and Commissioner Maw seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:45 P.M.

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