City of Brier, Washington


December 19, 2007
7:00 PM

Chairman Steele called the Brier Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:00 pm.



PRESENT:                                  Chairman Steele, Commissioner Funk,

                                                  Commissioner Smith, Commissioner Marley, Commissioner Olson, and Council Liaison Krienke. Commissioner Thorpe arrived at 7:02 pm.

ABSENT:                                    Commissioner Lavoie.

STAFF:                                       Director of Community Development Cutts



Chairman Steele opened for consideration approval of the November 15, 2007 Planning Commission minutes. Commissioner Olson moved and Commissioner Funk seconded to approve the November 15, 2007 Planning Commission minutes as written. Motion Carried.



Council Liaison Krienke reported to Planning Commissioners that City Council approved the hourly charge for City Staff work and services on subdivisions, short subdivisions etc., and briefly discussed the Alderwood Water agreement.



Chairman Steele opened for consideration approval of  Variance V07-001 to allow modification of building height for Samantha Hoang and Andy Dang located at 23414 29th Ave. W., Brier. Director of Community Development Jim Cutts briefed the Commissioners on the Staff Report concerning Variance V07-001 to allow for a 35 ft. building height instead of the 30 ft. height restriction set by Brier Municipal Code.  Staff’s recommendation is to deny. Samantha Hoang addressed the Commissioners about why they are requesting a 35 ft. building height for their new home. She explained that due to the large size of their home it would be appealing with more pitch to the roof than a flatter roof. Chairman Steele opened the Public Hearing on Variance V07-001 to allow modification of building height for Samantha Hoang and Andy Dang located at 23406 29th Ave. W., Brier at 7:20 pm. Tim Irvine of 23406 29th Ave W addressed the Commissioners and stated that he did not see a posting on the property and he doesn’t know what to think about raising the height restriction for this particular house.  He feels that other cities have raised their height restrictions because they have reduced their lot sizes. There was discussion amongst the Commissioners. Commissioner Marley moved and Commissioner Smith seconded to recommend onto Brier City Council denial of Variance V07-001 to allow modification of building height for Samantha Hoang and Andy Dang located at 23414 29th Ave. W., Brier. Motion Carried. There was discussion amongst the Commissioners about whether they should request that the City Council conduct a study about raising the building height in Brier.  The Commissioners decided to table the discussion.



Chairman Steele opened for discussion the Planning Commission Annual Report. Director of Community Development Jim Cutts went over the Annual Report with the Commissioners.  Commissioners will contact Jim Cutts if they have any information they would like added to the Annual Report by the next regular Planning Commission meeting in January.



Commissioner Olson moved and Commissioner Thorpe seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

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