City of Brier, Washington


February 20, 2008
7:00 PM

Chairman Marley called the Brier Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:00:24 PM .



Present:      Commissioners Funk, Olson, Lavoie, Marley & Thorpe. Commissioner Smith arrived at 7:01 PM.

Absent:                  Commissioner Joplin.



Chairman Marley opened for consideration approval of the January 16, 2007 Planning Commission minutes. Commissioner Lavoie moved and Commissioner Funk seconded to approve the January 16, 2007 Planning Commission minutes with correction to approval of minutes. Motion Carried.



Councilman Krienke introduced Councilman Kaemingk as the new Planning Commission liaison. He also informed the Commission that Councilmember Corpron-Smith has done some work to come up with a list of recommended trees for plantings within the city.



Chairman Marley opened for discussion the Planning Commission recommended Zoning Code Changes. The Commission reviewed the proposed recommendations from 2002. There was Commission discussion.

Commissioner Smith moved and Commissioner Thorpe seconded to forward Item #1 as agreed to leave as is. Motion Carried.

Commissioner Olson moved and Commissioner Smith seconded to forward Item #2 to the Council with the stipulation that the current commission does not support Item #2.7:31:31 PM Motion Carried.

Commissioner  Olson moved and Commissioner Smith to forward Item #3 but the commission supports the current ordinance as written. Motion Carried.

Commissioner Smith moved and Commissioner Thorpe seconded to table Item #4 to the March Planning Commission meeting. Motion Carried.

Commissioner Lavoie moved and Commissioner Thorpe seconded to move Item #5 as proposed in 2002 to the City Council. Motion Carried.

Commissioner Thorpe moved and Commissioner Olson seconded to move Item #6 on to the Council without support by the current Planning Commission. Motion Carried.


Community Development Director, Jim Cutts, gave an oral report on the Allview Heights Annexation. Mayor Bob Colinas gave his interpretation of what the people from the annexation area had been in favor of 12,500 lot sizes.



Commissioner Lavoie is scheduled to work the night of the March meeting and will not be here.



Commissioner Thorpe moved and Smith seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:21:27 PM.

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