City of Brier, Washington


AUGUST 20, 2008
7:00 PM

Chairman Marley called the Brier Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:00:34 PM.


ROLL CALL: 7:01:57 PM

PRESENT: Commissioner Funk, Lavoie, Marley, Olson, Thorpe, Smith and Joplin.

STAFF: Dir. Comm. Dev. & Planning Cutts and Associate Planner Gaudette.



Mayor Colinas introduced the two new Planning Commissioners, Shelly Magnuson and Steven Scott.  Mayor Colinas also thanked the Commissioners for their commitment to the City and community.




Chairman Marley opened for consideration approval of the July 16, 2008 Planning Commission minutes. Commissioner Olson moved, seconded by Commissioner Smith, to approve the July 16, 2008 Planning Commission minutes as written. Motion Carried. Commissioners Magnuson and Scott abstained.


Chairman Marley opened for consideration approval of the June 18, 2008 Planning Commission minutes. Commissioner Smith moved, seconded by Commissioner Olson, to approve the June 18, 2008 Planning Commission minutes as written. Motion Carried.  Commissioners Magnuson and Scott abstained.




Councilmember Kaemingk reported that the Council is looking into new revenue sources, to increase revenue for the City.   

Councilmember Kaemingk asked for a brief overview and background on the new Planning Commissioners, Magnuson and Scott.  


Director Cutts introduced Nicole Gaudette as the City’s new Associate Planner. 










Chairman Marley opened for discussion the draft ordinance amending the 2004 Comprehensive Plan, including the following items:


  1. Land Use Element
  2. Housing Element
  3. Parks and Recreation Element
  4. Transportation Element
  5. Comprehensive Implementation
  6. Capital Facility Element


Director Cutts briefed the Commissioners on the process for approving the above amendments in the 2004 Comprehensive Plan.  He explained the process of bringing it before the City Council and the State for review.


Director Cutts presented a letter submitted by Peggy Dare with suggestions for the 2004 Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Element and specifically Park Trails.


Chairman Marley asked for a recess of 10 minutes at 7:49:27 PM. Commissioner Olson moved, seconded by Commissioner Joplin, to recess for answers on the Capital Facilities Plan from the Mayor. Motion carried. The meeting reconvened at 7:59:19 PM. 


Chairman Marley opened the Public Hearing on amending the 2004 Comprehensive Plan at 8:09:04 PM. Chairman Marley asked for public input, there was none. Chairman Marley closed the Public Hearing at 8:09:38 PM.


Commissioner Thorpe moved, seconded by Commissioner Olson, to approve the changes to 2004 Comprehensive Plan as written and forward them to the City Council with a recommendation for approval. Motion carried.




Commissioner Olson moved, seconded by Commissioner Joplin, to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:20:43 PM

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