City of Brier, Washington


May 21, 2014
7:00 PM

Chairman Marley called the Brier Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:02:00 PM



PRESENT:                                  Commissioner Marley, Scott, Weston, Wirch, Rosman and DeMorett; Councilmember Kaemingk.

ABSENT:                                    Commissioner Carroll.

STAFF:                                       City Planner Gaudette.



Chairman Marley opened for consideration approval of the March 19, 2014 Planning Commission minutes. Commissioner Scott made a MOTION to approve the March 19, 2014 Planning Commission minutes. Commissioner Weston SECONDED. Motion Carried.



Councilmember Kaemingk discussed recent City Council activity.



Peggy Dare – Brier resident; asked that they protect the quaint charm of Old Poplar Way as was the intention of the City goals in the 1990’s and early 2000’s.



Chairman Marley opened for discussion the Fisken Preliminary Plat #SUB13-001. Commissioner DeMorett stated that she lives within 300 feet of the project.


City Planner Gaudette gave an overview of the development and her recommendation for approval according to the terms and conditions set forth in the resolution.


The engineer for the project Brian Caleb discussed the specifics of the project and in particular the trail. The developer is in agreement with the terms and conditions in the resolution.


Chairman Marley opened the Public Hearing at 7:22:32 PM.


Curtis Taylor – Woodway resident that is purchasing a home in the Wynbrook II development, he would like to know where the easement is on the lot he is looking to purchase.


Peggy Dare – Brier resident, questioned the width of the trail walkway that runs along the back of the properties and asked that it follow the code. She read into the record a letter that she submitted in February 2013.

City Planner Gaudette responded to the comments made about the subdivision by Peggy Dare.


Commissioner Wirch asked how the sidewalks for this plat are connecting to the sidewalks to the south and about the legend not having gas, fiber, cable or telephone listed.


Chairman Marley asked about the storm detention and where it connected down Old Poplar Way.


Commissioner DeMorett asked about the abandonment of the old septic system and drain field.


Chairman Marley asked about the trail and fencing around the plat, as well as the continuity of the playground area that will abut the Wynbrook II development.


Commissioner Weston had a concern about the site distance triangle coming out of the driveway on lot seven and stated that a lower shrub would be better than a tree.


The Public Hearing was closed at 8:09:16 PM.


Commissioner Weston made a MOTION to recommend the subdivision SUB13-001 known as the Fisken Preliminary Plat to the City Council for approval as city staff has outlined the conditions in the resolution provided. Commissioner Scott SECONDED. Motion Carried.


Commissioner Weston left the meeting at 8:12:08 PM.



City Clerk-Treasurer Swisher gave a review of Robert’s Rules of Order and the upcoming required Open Public Meetings Act training.



Chairman Marley asked our new Commissioner M.L. DeMorett to introduce herself to the commission.



Commissioner DeMorett made a MOTION to adjourn. Commissioner Scott SECONDED. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:43 PM.

In accordance with the requirements of title II of the American's with Disabilities Act of 1990, should you need special accommodations please contact Paula Swisher, City Clerk-Treasurer at 425-775-5440 with one weeks notice.

Brier City Hall | 2901 228th St. SW | Brier, Washington 98036
(425) 775-5440 | Fax (425) 672-9025 | info@ci.brier.wus
