City of Brier, Washington


October 19, 2016
7:00 PM

Chairman Marley called the Brier Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:07:28 PM.



PRESENT:                                  Commissioner DeMorett, Marley, Rosman, Weston, Thorpe and Jonart; Councilmember Gallagher, Councilmember Krienke

ABSENT:                                    Commissioner Scott

STAFF:                                       City Planner Balisky



Chairman Marley opened for consideration approval of the July 20, 2016 Planning Commission minutes. Commissioner Rosman made a MOTION to approve the July 20, 2016 Planning Commission minutes. Commissioner DeMorett SECONDED. Motion Carried.



Councilmember Gallagher discussed recent City Council activity.





A.         Chairman Marley opened the Public Hearing for consideration of the 2015 Comprehensive Plan, Transportation Element at 7:10:21 PM. City Planner Balisky gave an update on the proposed changes.

Commissioner Thorpe pointed out a typographical error in the table of contents.

The Public Hearing was closed at 7:12:46 PM .

            Commissioner DeMorett made a MOTION to recommend approval to City Council of the Transportation Element for the 2015 Comprehensive Plan as written with the correction of the typographical error. Commissioner Thorpe SECONDED. Motion Carried.


B.         Chairman Marley opened the Public Hearing for consideration of Variance and Conditional Use Permit Processes, Code Amendment No. CA16-01 at 7:14:24 PM. City Planner Balisky presented a review of the amendment.

Commissioner Marley pointed out typographical errors in BMC 17.36.050.C.8 and 17.36.050.A.6.

The Public Hearing was closed at 7:21:11 PM.

            Commissioner Rosman made a MOTION to recommend approval to City Council for adoption of the Variance and Conditional Use Permit Process,



            Code Amendment No. CA16-01 with the correction of the typographical errors. Commissioner Weston SECONDED. Motion Carried.



A.         Chairman Marley opened discussion of Stormwater Code Amendments, No. CA16-02. City Planner Balisky reviewed the proposed changes.

Commissioner Weston suggested changing BMC 14.04.220.E.4 to read “Soil infiltration tests shall occur within 15 feet of the proposed infiltration facility.” and changing BMC 14.04.220.H from “Driveway tiles” to “Driveway culvert installation”.


B.         Chairman Marley opened discussion of Parking Code Amendments, No. CA16-03. City Planner Balisky reviewed the proposed changes.

Commissioner Marley asked if BMC 17.48.010.I would impact a “project/race car”. He also suggested wording for BMC, “Projects that exceed 50 percent of the higher, of either the assessed or appraised value…..”

Commissioner Weston suggested checking for ADA compliance on BMC, and suggested considering landscaping islands.


C.         Chairman Marley opened discussion of Land Disturbing Activity Code Amendments, No. CA16-04. City Planner Balisky reviewed the proposed changes.

Commissioner Weston suggested in BMC 19.24.120.I to change the wording to “…which cumulatively over time does not involve more then 50 cubic yards on a single site.” she also suggested to remove “mulch” from BMC 19.24.120.F.

Commissioner Marley suggested adding lawn replacement to BMC 19.24.120 and have a definition for “light equipment”. He also suggested in BMC 19.24.120.F to remove “beauty bark”.


D.         Chairman Marley opened discussion of Native Vegetation and Landscaping Code Amendments, No. CA16-05. City Planner Balisky reviewed the proposed changes.

Commissioner Marley would like to ensure consistency with the wording of “native plant” and “native vegetation”. He also asked to see a sketch in regards to BMC 17.50.320 with multiple percentage of coverage options so the Commissioners can see how much ground coverage it really is. He suggested wording in BMC 17.50.370.D “When on-site replacement cannot be one hundred percent achieved………”



Chairman Marley opened review of the 2016 Planning Commission Annual Report. Commissioner Weston made a MOTION to approve the 2016 Planning Commission Annual Report. Thorpe SECONDED. Motion Carried.



Commissioner Thorpe made a MOTION to adjourn. Commissioner Jonart SECONDED. Motion Carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:57:01 PM.

In accordance with the requirements of title II of the American's with Disabilities Act of 1990, should you need special accommodations please contact Paula Swisher, City Clerk-Treasurer at 425-775-5440 with one weeks notice.

Brier City Hall | 2901 228th St. SW | Brier, Washington 98036
(425) 775-5440 | Fax (425) 672-9025 | info@ci.brier.wus
