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Meeting will be held at the Brier Library
July 23, 2004
Commission Chairman Szalda called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM.
ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Szalda and Nixdorf.
- Commissioner Szalda opened for discussion certification of the Entry Level Police Officer List. Chief Holmes confirmed the testing process did conform to all the regulations set forth in the Civil Service Rules. Commissioner Nixdorf moved and Commissioner Szalda seconded to accept the Entry Level Police Officer List as presented. Motion carried.
- Commissioner Szalda opened for discussion certification of the Lateral Police Officer List. Chief Holmes confirmed all required procedures have been followed. Discussion regarding candidates. Commissioner Nixdorf moved and Commissioner Szalda seconded to accept the Lateral Police Officer Eligibility List of July 23rd. Motion carried.
- Chief Holmes informed the Commission Officer Murphy is in the process of
revamping our Civil Service Rules using the current City of Poulsbo Rules. Chief Holmes expects them to be done by our next meeting. Chief Holmes stated he has sent inquiries via e-mail to the City Attorney regarding the status of the Civil Service Rules he was working on with Steve DiJulio but has not received any response.
- Discussed the amendment to Civil Service Rule 6.2. The Commission would like a response from either the City Attorney, Tom Evans, or Mr. Dijulio regarding the wording of the amendment prior to accepting the change.
- The next Civil Service meeting is scheduled for August 5, 2004 at 7:30 PM at the Brier Library.
ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Szalda moved and Commissioner Nixdorf seconded to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned.
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