City of Brier, Washington

February, 2010
Cameron Forbis - Eagle Scout Renovation of Bobcat Park

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Just Look Who Helped
Aaron Blesie
Sandy Blesie
Bryce Kellogg
Jerry Kellogg
Jason Schierle
Sharon Schierle
Jack Schierle
Sean Rose
Michael Rose
Kyle Kastner
Michael Kastner
Scott Starbard
Zack Starbard
Michael MacKay
Doug MacKay
Severin Robins
Sam Bingaman
Ed Bingaman
Shanon Roeder
Ray Baldwin
Doug Baldwin
Matt Horton
Matt Wilkinson
Kenji Smith
George Smith
Mark Grantham
Guy Derosa
Cameron Forbis
Logan Forbis
Michael Forbis
Leslie Forbis
Return Home - Click Here

The Scope of Cameron's Project

1. Remove Fence (Surrounding old playground)
a. Cut off chain link hardware (roll up chain link and tie off)
b. Dig out posts with bobcat or shovel
c. Remove posts by hand and pile

2. Remove Old Playground
a. Dig out old metal frame and dinosaur
b. Use bobcat to pull out pieces if needed
c. Pile pieces in the removal pile

3. Tree Removal
a. Tear out tree stumps
b. Use bobcat for larger stumps that cant be taken out as easily
c. All stumps along the edge of parking lot should be completely removed
d. Pile material on tarp

4. Parking stumps and rope removal
a. Tear off rope from posts
b. Dig out stumps with bobcat
c. Use bobcat to pull out if necessary
d. Pile stumps on tarp

5. Picnic Table (Just outside of fence)
a. Remove picnic table hardware and keep
b. Old boards should be placed on tarp
c. Rebuild Picnic Table

6. Concrete pads
a. Dig or pry up
b. Most likely the bobcat will need to be used
c. Smash the pads with sledge hammers once they are lifted/pried up
d. Pile pieces in the removal pile

7. Grass
a. Tear out grass using bobcat
b. Additional grass can be torn out with shovels
c. Pile grass on tarp

8. Baseboard of Fence
a. Place stained board at base of fence
b. Push up all the way to the edge of fence

9. Refurbish park sign
a. Clean up existing planter
b. Touch-Up paint on sign
c. Plant some new flowers

10. Parking lot
a. Level parking lot using bobcat
b. Spread out gravel on surface with bobcat and shovels

Brier City Hall | 2901 228th St. SW | Brier, Washington 98036
(425) 775-5440 | Fax (425) 672-9025 |
