City of Brier, Washington


April 20, 2022
7:00 PM

Chair DeMorett called the Brier Planning Commission meeting to order at 7:00 PM



Present: Commissioners DeMorett, Hanson, Campbell, Lenning, Rosman, Parsons and Councilmember Marley.

Absent: Commissioner Tastad.

Staff: Planner Flathman and Clerk-Treasurer Swisher.



Chair DeMorett opened for consideration approval of the March 16, 2022 Planning Commission minutes. Motion: Approve March 16, 2022 Planning Commission minutes, Moved by Commissioner Rosman, Seconded by Commissioner Campbell. Motion Carried.


Councilmember Marley discussed recent City Council activity.




A.    Chair DeMorett opened the Public Hearing at 7:06 PM, for Preliminary Plat Phillips Ridge Subdivision, file No. SUB21-02, located at 22015 Old Poplar Way (postponed from the March 16, 2022 meeting). Planner Flathman gave a detailed review of the plat. Brian Kalab spoke on behalf of the applicant.

Matt Gillingham of Brier, asked how close to Locust Creek between Old Poplar Way and Vine Road will this development be and voiced he is concerned about traffic mitigation being reviewed.

Commissioner DeMorett asked about replanting of the trees.

Councilmember Marley asked where people will cross Old Poplar Way to reach the sidewalk from this development.

Commissioner Rosman is concerned about protecting the sensitive areas, and the amount of fill that will be brought into to develop this site, along with the wear and tear of heavy trucks on our roads. He also is very concerned about the proposed 14 foot rock wall and its stability.

Commissioner Hanson wants to know if a certified arborist will be looking at the trees that will be left on site.

Commissioner Campbell asked if the critical areas will be Native
Growth protected.

Commissioner Parsons asked why there is not a plan to install a landscape strip on Old Poplar Way like the development just south of this location has done.

The Public Hearing closed at 7:44 PM.


Motion: Recommend denial to City Council of Preliminary Plat for Phillips Ridge Subdivision #SUB21-02, located at 22015 Old Poplar Way, because it does not meet the Comprehensive Plan section G and Brier Municipal Code 16.16.150, Moved by Commissioner Rosman, Seconded by Commissioner Hanson. Votes: Yes, Rosman and Hanson. No, DeMorett, Lenning, Parsons and Campbell. Motion Fails.


Motion: Recommend the plat plans be returned to the Planning Commission with additional comments and resolutions, decrease the lot size on lots 6 and 7 and decrease some of the grading so more native material can be retained on these lots, save some of the trees and add some street landscaping, Moved by Commissioner Parsons, Seconded by Commissioner Rosman. Votes: Yes, Rosman, DeMorett, Hanson, Parsons. No, Campbell and Lenning. Motion Carried.


The Planning Commission took a recess at 8:08 PM.

The meeting resumed from recess at 8:34 PM.


Clerk-Treasurer Swisher explained to the Commissioners what details are needed in making a recommending Motion for City Council and that the pervious motion was in error and needed to be rescinded.


Motion: Rescind previous motion to recommend the plat plan be returned to the Planning Commission with additional comments and resolutions, decrease the lot size on lots 6 and 7 and decrease some of the grading so more native material can be retained on these lots, save some of the trees, add some street landscaping, Moved by Commissioner Parsons, Seconded by Commissioner Rosman. Motion Carried.

Motion: Recommend approval to City Council of Preliminary Plat for Phillips Ridge Subdivision #SUB21-02, located at 22015 Old Poplar Way, as written, Moved by Commissioner Lenning, Seconded by Commissioner Campbell. Vote: Yes, Lenning, Campbell and DeMorett. No, Parsons, Rosman and Hanson. Motion Fails.


Motion: Recommend approval to City Council of Preliminary Plat for Phillips Ridge Subdivision #SUB21-02, located at 22015 Old Poplar Way, with the following changes:

Retain 10% more of the trees, put in a planter strip on Old Poplar Way, reduce the amount of filling and grading as much as possible, Moved by Commissioner Parsons, Seconded by Commissioner Rosman. Vote: Yes, Parsons, Rosman, DeMorett and Lenning. No, Hanson and Campbell. Motion Carried.

B.    Chair DeMorett opened the Public Hearing at 8:43 PM, for Code Amendment file No. CA21-02, Zoning Division I. Planner Flathman reviewed the details of the proposed code amendment.

The Public Hearing closed at 8:52 PM.

Motion: Recommend approval to City Council the Zoning Division I code changes as written with the correction of a typographical error on line 373, Moved by Commissioner Rosman, Seconded by Commissioner Hanson. Motion Carried.




Motion: To adjourn, Moved by Commissioner Rosman, Seconded by Commissioner Kolden. Motion Carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:53 PM.

In accordance with the requirements of title II of the American's with Disabilities Act of 1990, should you need special accommodations please contact Paula Swisher, City Clerk-Treasurer at 425-775-5440 with one weeks notice.

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Brier City Hall | 2901 228th St. SW | Brier, Washington 98036
(425) 775-5440 | Fax (425) 672-9025 | info@ci.brier.wus
